Good morning swingers

I am learning the art of sleeping in, 7am instead of 5am, pretty pleased with myself lol
Trimlee keep an eye out on the Jan sales, you should be able to pick up a 7.5kg quite cheap, Tesco ones are good
I started with kw 14 months ago and have picked up various other dvds along the way, and have become very toned, never bulked up, womens bodies wont bulk unless you start swinging with at least a 26kg for about 7 hours a day. I am able to maintain the toned look by swinging a few times a week, just short sessions. The past couple of months I have not been to class but just completed some short freestyle moves, grabbing a dvd every once in a while, so am still in shape, but really love the firmness and definition you get when you continue with a solid routine, so will be back on track to having buns of steel now this time of gluttony is over lol
Completed another abs routine Thursday, ouchy my muscles did protest lol but the ache has subsided, so will hopefully see some good results when the christmas lbs have melted away
Bess great to hear you have ordered your dvds, stick with it, as the other belles have proved, it does work, inch loss and body shaping recorded on here are proof, so let us know when they arrive and let the swinging begin
herewego hope you enjoyed your christmas, and keep swinging as within a few weeks you will start noticing differences in your body, and that will give you the motivation to keep going
Shirleen you got an extreme workout lol be careful with your neck it shouldnt be aching so you must have been straining and using it when completing your crunches, you may want to tell your trainer so s/he can make sure your doing better form next time, sometimes it may mean you only lift your head and shoulders a small distance from the floor to just engage your core, and you may need to use your hands to support your head. Try doing some stretches to alleviate the aches, or a very light workout to remove the stiffness you have. Hope you recover for next Mondays session
Chelsea great to hear your enjoying kw and getting results

Its a good feeling whe you complete a session and get that added energy and feel good factor when its done. Good luck with your food plan, things are going to get easier with less temptation around as the festive food runs out lol
I will be completing a full body workout today as i dont think i will be moving off the couch much tomorrow as we are out tonight lol
Happy new year to all
Does anyone set themselves new year resolutions? Mine in the short term will be to lose this christmas gain and be back in a swinging routine by the end of Jan. Long term it is being healthy enough to go back to kb class, I have my hospital appt 24th jan so hoping it wont be long until i am fighting fit again