Seeking diet buddy

Oh no sorry to hear about your poorly head :-( it's the bloody diet... I'm doing ok today, done a whole day and a half now wahooooo haha!! I'm just trying to drink as much as I can to keep me full but I'm peeing all the time haha o well I just have to think that it's doing me good! It's such hard work though!! Water is just sooo bloody boring! But reading the thread in the stickys bit we can drink things without citric acid in so I'm going to get some more of tescos strawberry water as that's citric acid free :) xx
Hi Heavenly, how've you got on today? x
Had a little mid week weigh in today and 5.5lbs off! Looking forward to Saturday :)
The first days are harder as its a big adjustment but it gets alot easier I think. I have wobbles when the office staff get chips and delicious sandwiches for lunch but so far I have been really strict. I will have to be for the next 3 and a half weeks as I want as much shifted as possible. Skipping the gym this week but starting again next week in the hope it will budge more of this stubborn fat :)
End of week 4 and i have lost another 4.6lbs i am sooooo chuffed! stick with it girlys it will come off if you do xxx
That's great Nicci, well done :) I am half a stone lighter as off today! WI Saturday, still can't believe it. 3 weeks 2 days to go ha ha (God i was hungry after college last night though!)
Well done Girlies, keep up your hard work... I've been messing around on this now for about 4 weeks, lost a few pounds and put it back on, lost a few pounds and put it back on!!! Sooooo disappointed with myself :-( but I really do want to do it!! Feeling positive about today though. Keep it up Girlies your a true inspiration xx
You can do it Birdy, just take one day at a time and it will fly by. x
Yes, almost crumbled making the family tea but I've stayed strong :) keep fantasising about my first meal when I've finished this though. It's keeping me going, how've you got on today?
Well done :) I bet that was sooo hard for you, just the smell of food makes me want to eat everything in the house haha!! I've not done too bad thanks, ran out of citric acid free flavoured water and really needed something sweet earlier so I had some really really really weak squash!! I figured that this was better than grabbing something to eat!!! I WILL get there, I've got the biggest incentive to just bloody do the diet without slipping up all the time (I get married on the 19th) yet I just can't get my head around it and I'm too tempted by everything xx
Birdy, lots of water helps plus I have a can of coke zero at night and a peppermint tea which I look forward too. Was really hard not to put any chicken in my mouth last night though! Sneaky WI today takes me to 11 stone! 9lbs so far. Hoping to be in the 10's in the morning but I'll take the 9lb loss. Hoping the gym will take a chunk off next week as well. I wanted to be 10.9 by the end of the 4th week but you never know I could be lower. *fingers crossed!

Night times are the hardest, I make tea and dessert for the boys then Mr Sammysmiles comes in with tea and buttery toast. What a killer!! I know I won't eat anything but it's very hard isn't it? Friday is takeaway night in our house, :(

Birdy, as I mentioned my wedding dress didn't fit 2 weeks before my wedding so at least your not in that position hey? 1 week to go. If you just do it a week before you can lose at least half a stone I'm sure.

How was yesterday?
10.13!! Woohoo, I've done a week! 3 more to go :) going for a meal today, any suggestions as to what I can have to keep me in ketosis?
I did it! A chicken salad, no dressing and a tap water. Mr ordered the biggest burger that ever lived :( well jel!!!