catznolan -carlow(ire) -week 1 -10th sept (wed) - 4stone
Caz789 - Cheshire - week 2 - Tuesdays - 4 stone - 8.1bs so far
Laststraw - London - week 3 - Tuesdays - 3 stone - 11 lbs so far
Mollysmum - Manchester - week 1 - 9th Sept - 6-7 stone
RaeB (Rachel) - West Sussex - week 1 - 10th Sept - 4 stone
SurreySlimmer - Surrey - week 2 - 18th Sept - 6.5 stone - 13lb so far
Willdoitthistime! - Surrey - to start on 10th Sept - 4 stone
Wytchy - (Kim) - Stourbridge, West Mids - Week 1- 10th Sept (Wed) - 5 stone - 8lb so far
I think thats the lastest one, but it doesn't look like we've updated. Changed mine, as soon as we're all up, let's add our new week2 details - and the new girls need to add their stats too.
Name - Location - Which Week? - Next W/I - Weight you want to loose - what you've lost so far.