serious help needed please

Crap, I'm going to make broccoli and stilton soup later. My tits are big enough as it is! :(
ill have it then Mets :D
Can we share it Vicky?? :p
deffo x
We can warm it on the BBQ and eat it in the hot tub :)
Umm... NO! It's mine! :D
Meany, your boobs are big enough - you said so!!!! :8855:
LOL! They are! :( But I've been looking forward to this soup all week! I've bought some gaffer tape to tape my boobs down and stop them from growing ;)
I could do with borrowing the gaffa tape to put mine back into position! Why does everything start going south when yoiu bhit 40? :cry:
I'm warning you - it's downhill from here on in :8855: Maybe I can get my boons on the wobble plate? What do you reckon? :D
I could do with borrowing the gaffa tape to put mine back into position! Why does everything start going south when yoiu bhit 40? :cry:

Mine are like that anyway cos they're so big :cry: I'd love a reduction and lift
:p Boons! OMG! what am I talking about! Better get another cup of coffee, two obviously wasn't enough :rolleyes:
i am now back in ketosis. woke up with a yuk mouth no amount of brushing will get rid of! my pee sticks have changed to the middle reading and headache, headache, headache!
so all back on track. blooming holidays!
Well done FaF. x
Hah, the joys of boobs, sorry ketosis. ;)