Thanks Mandi
Trust you to think of me when you are having a sh..ty day. Lov Lov
I am fine really ~ been to work today and its horrible, everytime I thnk of the company going bust my head spins and I really feel ill. Pressure I suppose, I have been offered to help my friend and work colleage (director) help to set up a new business which I have promised I will do. I need to help the two directors as they have been so good to me in the past ~ pay back time Mandi
That is so you to think of others and i take my hat off to you. I have a good feeling you will be fine and that old cliche 'as one door closes another opens' springs to mind.
They will both loose there homes and owe alot of big big money that they are personally responsible for so they will have to pay it back. I intend to help them all I can as I am very good with Marketing, admin, sales and can do basic book keeping and accounts.
Part of me doesnot want to let go of the past, but the other part thinks ~ fresh start
Its always the unknown that is so daunting, my OH was made redundant before xmas and he being the one that grounds was very low and depressed. He's doing well now and about to set up his own driving school up
When I told my lovely daughter the news she said "time to follow your dreams Mum" Unfortunately Mandi I have no dreams regarding work ~ I am living my dream with my lovely famiy around me and thats really all I need. Money never makes me happier (does it anyone ?) I wish I didnot need any money. On saying that I am so independant and have always alway earned my own money that the thought of depending on someone else terrifies me
Shar the wish to become a CDC is a good thing for you as you will be great at it.
I know what you mean to ask for money to buy things but you seem like you have a good marriage and it won't be for long.
I am rambling ~ sorry bit confused and my head is spinning
You are talking sense and it's good to let it out
My big plan is to lose all my blubber tee hee, then try to become a CDC. I am also going to do my Reki masters as I am very spiritual and need to get in touch with that side of my nature more. I want to convert my dining room into a lovely spiritual place where I can help people in whatever way I can ~ so I need to learn all about healing the soul
Really looking forward to meeting you again soon as I feel you me and CC made such a connection
Aint that the truth
Thinking of you hun
My apologies for being a rambling silly old fart !!!