Really naff about the rheumatics... weather DEFINITELY doesn't help so really hoping that some sunshine and warmth makes a big difference for you. My sis has dreadful arthritis in her joints too and I know how debilitating and painful she finds things , so, empathising with you.
Yet still you are the optimist and sunshine smiler
Hi Jenny
Thanks for that ~ it so important for me to be cheerful whatever this stupid diesease chucks at me Tee Hee
Still stiff and sore and in terrible pain ~ but hey still smiling and trying to keep moving. The big thing is that I have kind of come of the diet and started eating as I am this silly kind of woman who takes comfort in food. Why I wonder do I do that Jenny?
Coz you're human sweetheart, and we turn to the familiar comforters in life... with you it's food... with me I thought it was food but not so sure now... with others it's drugs, gambling, alcohol, shopping, driving fast cars... all sorts of things..
its a bit like a self sabotage.
Yep, totally... not logical is it! But that's coz comfort is an answer to the emotional, not the logical
I just always have eaten to make me feel better, well some habits are hard to break boo hoo. The food definately doesnot take any of the pain away and the comfort I get is very very short lived and a real quick fix that doesnot work but still onwards and upwards.
You know, Westiegirl did an ace post about habits on her diary... might be worth having a look there for some pointers.. or at least to know you seriously are NOT alone!
I will try and get back on SS tomorrow and Wednesday and then off to France where I intend to kind of 790 ish. I am not beating myself up about the break in the diet as when I am so poorly I just cant do it ~ excuses I know but thats what I am ~ weak with no will power.
Oi, none of that missus!! S'cuse me, BUT, HOW much have you lost already???? Hmmm??? Come on now... you are not weak and you have oodles of will power... so no more self-deprecation ya hear !!!
The pain and discomfort just takes away all my motivation and I just cant concentrate. I need a magic wand to take away my pain ~ oh and whilst you are there with your magic wand ~ just take away 6 stone of blubber from my achy old bod LOL tee hee
Well, you know what, it IS far tougher to do this when in pain, no doubt about that.. and um... just how many pounds is 6 stone... let me see... hmmm, 84lbs... I think you already waved such a wand of your own and have done more than that already, so... same again my friend you know you CAN do this.. it just is a rocky road but walkable, running at times, crawling at others and at others just a grinding standstill or reverse... but it is do-able and you will do it
Comfort eating ~ needs putting in room 101 LOL
LOL, yep, along with happiness eating, sadness eating, feck it eating, sod 'em eating... stressy eating... lol lol lol oh so many emotional reasons to turn to food!
Cant type anymore my hands are so sore. Off to bed AGAIN ~ oh to get my life back. I really hope the holiday does me good as my consultant said that my rhematoid levels have risen so dramatically due to the stress and strain of loosing my job. I am going to head to the sun and just sleep in the warmth and swim in the lovely healing sea ~ bliss no pain
wonderful - enjoy, hope it refreshes you and gives you lots of pain free days
love to all
ps especially your sister Jen this illness is sh..ty !!!!