Gold Member
The meal at my sisters was lovely. It was bit of a celebration as she got engaged on Saturday. 
Big mistake exercising before the meal. I was absolutely starving when we arrived. Unfortunately chicken salad did not fill me up. So when desert arrived I could not resist ice cream with my fruit salad and also some chocolate sauce!! I am like a woman possessed when I finish exercising. I feel like I have not eaten for a week and cannot control what I eat afterwards. Normally I have something cooking whilst I exercise, so I can quite happily pig out afterwards.
This morning I am enjoying a coffee in bed. It's the only morning I don't get up early to exercise. Bliss mmmnn
Big mistake exercising before the meal. I was absolutely starving when we arrived. Unfortunately chicken salad did not fill me up. So when desert arrived I could not resist ice cream with my fruit salad and also some chocolate sauce!! I am like a woman possessed when I finish exercising. I feel like I have not eaten for a week and cannot control what I eat afterwards. Normally I have something cooking whilst I exercise, so I can quite happily pig out afterwards.
This morning I am enjoying a coffee in bed. It's the only morning I don't get up early to exercise. Bliss mmmnn