My w/e has been great. We went away, staying next to a beautiful lake. I walked / ran around it that many times my legs are really sore!!
I took a box of wine with me, First Cape, from Morrisons. It is only 5.5% strength, but low calories and absolutely no sign of a hangover. Perfect!! Now I can have a guilt free drink, without it effecting my workout the next day. The 3l box only costs £10.
I have to be super good this week, as the bikini is coming out at the w/e. We are staying in a very nice hotel in Cambridge Fri - Sun. The hotel has gym, pool, sauna etc. My sister is also going, who has been a size 8 all her life,so will look fab in her bikini!! Would be nice if I could wear the bikini without seriously breathing in all the time!! This w/e is just me and hubbie, our little girl is staying with Grandma, so proper treat for us. Part of the w/e will be a wine tasting session, so don't think I will be taking my 5.5% box of wine!!