Being childless Shel I've no practical advice but just wanted you to have some massive hugs from me. I read all your baby diary and just know you will be fine just ike you were with the WLS but its a difficult road and very tiring
((hugs)) so often with formula it stretches babies tummies too soon hun so reflux and colic is a result. Am glad Charlies weight reflects that he IS getting enough even if it's not all he's taking in.
Hope the results come back clear as lactose intolerance can be a nightmare - soya milk contains a lot of sugar so is a risk to teeth before they come through even. My LO was on it for her skin as a trial with the HV.
really glad you were able to talk to DH even by email does the trick obviously ((hugs)) if you are like me getting your words out sometimes is hard so I understand where you are coming from. Also glad he's responding so well and supporting you.
Early days / weeks are the hardest so hope things settle soon for you.
How are u feeling now? PND isnt nice, but im glad u felt able to talk to ur HV and shes coming back. Hopefully now ur as drained from expressing etc you will start to feel better.
Hope you get milk sorted and Charlie wee tummy settles down. You hopefully will find u begin to feel a bit better then too.
He was 6lbs 4oz at birth, so he didn't lose much in the first 5 days. I'm not feeling as bad as I was at the weekend, but it seems to come in waves. I'm still crying very easily, but I've had more sleep lately and that seems to have helped.
He was a good weight when he was born. That was something u worried about early on wasnt it
sleep can make such a diffrence to how u feel. When i had Rhiannon and breastfed i was like a zombie for months. I just dont think im going to bother this time when i have her to run around after too....
Heya Shel, sorry to read that you've been feeling really low lately and I truly hope that it's just a case of your body trying to readjust to being "you" again and that it's not PND! You're doing a fab job though and we're always here if you need to talk to us! xxx Big hugs for you xxx
Morning all, thanks for the kind words. Well today is hubbys first day back at work, so the plan was last night that I would do all the feeds aside from the one that is around 5-6am, as hubby is up then getting ready for work. Charlie being a monkey though decided that 7am was a better time to wake up so I ended up doing them all! Quite tired today but about to curl up on the sofa between feeds.
He's still not well, hes brought up his 7am feed and his 10am one quite spectacularly. He's not had a dirty nappy since 2am Tuesday morning either Spoke to the HV this morning while I was at the doctors and she said if he's not been by tomorrow morning to take him in to the doctors for some lactulose. He's still in pain with his trumps too so he's not the happiest of babies! Wish I knew how to make him better
Good news is I managed the school run without hubbs with no problems, having had a later feed at 7am was helpful as it meant he slept through the school run and the trip to the docs for my injection afterwards. Only 2 more weeks of injections left to go now.
Aww poor chalie and his bowels ((hugs)) is he just on formula now or are you still BF? Just wondering if some boiled water would help 'shift' things for him? Wouldn't want it to replace a feed though but I know it can help.
Well done on the school run, had to smile at him not waking when DH was up and around.. just typical eh! lol
Hope all goes well for your injection too. ((Hugs)) sounds like you're doing a grand job hun! X
he got worse through the day and is now constipated. He keeps straining bless him. So we've been back to the GPs and she's stopped the gaviscon and put him on lactose free formula. I asked that they do the stool test anyway so got the pot for when he produces! Luckily my friend works in the labs at the hospital so we'll get the results super fast.
I stopped giving him the breast milk when we started the gaviscon, incase it was that that was causing the problem, but going to give him a couple of bottles of it tonight as it has a natural laxative effect. GP said about giving him water too if he needs it.
He's had a horrid day, the pain and straining keeps waking him up so he's tired out. He did manage one tiny little solid poo earlier but there was blood in it from the straining
Aww bless him, if it was blood on the outside try not to worry ((Hugs)) I know it's easier said than done but you've done the right thing and all you can.. keep up those feeds and I'm sure it'll flush through soon. the fact he's gone a tiny bit will help him I'm sure.
We have poo Couple of bottles of breastmilk did the trick and he performed last night before bed. Never have I been so happy to see 2 full nappies He's still windy etc, but atleast it's one discomfort gone for him!
Am absolutely shattered now though. Did all the feeds again over night so not had much sleep, and to top it off had an IBS flare up during the 4am feed. Great timing! Atleast now though I can take my IBS meds when I need them.
Poor Charlie, he looks so unhappy today and the screaming trumps are back. He screamed so much when he filled his nappy earlier Going to get some infacol when we pick up his new milk and just hope that something works for him. He was such a contented little thing until all this started, it's horrid seeing him so miserable.
Aww shell progress is good on the poo initially but can imagine how tired you are and how your lil charlie has a sore bot now with the runs too. Not sure infacol will do the trick by the sounds of it though - thought that was more for colic? might be wrong though.
If he's got a sore bum then perhaps a bit of paracetomol till it settles?
Could your IBS have gone through your milk? I have no idea on that either! lol not much use am I.. just wondering as it 'shifted' things.. if it did it a bit too well and will ease off?
Shouldn't transfer through the milk no, but my milk will have lactose etc in it so it could be that. All of my mum friends keep telling me its just wind give him infacol and he'll be fine. I really don't think it is just wind though, the screaming trumps and the diarroeah/constipation/diarroeah cycle isn't 'just wind' But seeing him in so much pain is too much for me and I'm at the try anything stage!
((hugs)) I can understand how you are feeling - maybe speak to your HV or MW about infacol or trying little man on diff milk while you wait for results of stool test. I don't suppose infacol will do any harm but I've only ever had it recommended and used it for colic on one baby so not sure what it's used for other than that.
I agree with you though about it being more than wind, though could be 'one of those things' that settles soon. Finger x'd.
hang in there hun and try to get DH to do the late feed if you are doing the early.. that way you could have an early night.. My DH is always better at the late nights than the early mornings! lol
He's got his new prescription milk now, which is hypoallergenic, lactose and gluten free, so fingers crossed. Also started the infacol too. Somethings gotta work!
Hubbs is up at 5am for work, and out the house by 6am, and today he didn't get home till 5pm so he's normally asleep by 8.30/9.00pm. I disappeared for a long soak in the bath as soon as he got home, and then we bathed Charlie together while he was having a waking period. Charlie is really loving his baths at the moment, he floats in the water and seems really content bless him.
Aww thats so cute about bath time! and lovely that he is enjoying it. you'll have him down the pool in no time I'll bet!
Bless your OH he works long days eh but you need to keep up with your sleep too or you'll be poorly - so remember.. his days off are no longer days off! lol