Shelly Belly's Bridesmaid Blitz

Here it is!


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Caro! I have that one! I love it, I love the little messages - last night my teabag told me "don't break anybody's heart" Too right!

Did anyone lose their appetite? I think I have it right here! Got the mad munchies today!!
All good though, PV day and had a whopper of a salad for lunch.

I watched the American Documentary "Forks over Knives" last night. It was about curing ailments with better diets, but not very supportive of high protein eating. Interesting though. While I like eating like this - it keeps me full, satisfied and I can still lose weight - I must agree that mass farming is pretty disgusting.
There are messages on the tea bags? Oh no! To think I've thrown out something which could have contained the answer to EVERYTHING!

I've tried three different types this week - the variety is nice. Also drinking one called 'puritee' and dr Stuarts detox tea. The Choco one does need sweetener, I find, but the others are better without. I fill up my enormous Chinese tea flask in the morning and have one tea bag all day :)
Seriously! You need to read your Yogi messages! They will give you all the answers!

Happy Fridays everyone! Gonna hit the gym instead of the bar tonight!
I'm already looking forward to my weigh in on Monday.

Got a long training run planned Saturday morning for my half marathon in October, then a haircut, but otherwise, I'll spend the weekend relaxing, reading and resting - Can't wait :)

Hope you all have great weekend xxx
Seriously! You need to read your Yogi messages! They will give you all the answers!

Happy Fridays everyone! Gonna hit the gym instead of the bar tonight!
I'm already looking forward to my weigh in on Monday.

Got a long training run planned Saturday morning for my half marathon in October, then a haircut, but otherwise, I'll spend the weekend relaxing, reading and resting - Can't wait :)

Hope you all have great weekend xxx

Fab commitment this weekend!! Gym instead of bar!! Love it....there'll be plenty of bars in conso!! :) :) :)

Hey Guys,

I feel so freaking stupid, coming on here, a third weekend in a row, to confess my antics... yet again.
But I need this to stay accountable. If I didn't confess it here and discuss why I keep slipping up, then I would be at risk of just holding up my hands and declaring "I can't do it, I just can't do it..." which is not the case at all. I'm just so fed up with myself.

So Friday went without a hitch - had burgers for dinner. I still can't get the hang of oopsie rolls... There is no low fat cream cheese here, and I have been trying substitutes. Yogurt doesn't really work... will keep up the experiments.

Anyways, long run Saturday morning, (overnight oatbran before) followed by eggs for breakfast, then I made a delicious salad for lunch, with Turkey breast.
Then I got invited to a party... It was more like a sundownerd thing and I went over at around 7... which is when I made a CRUCIAL MISTAKE. I didn't have dinner.
Yes, I know... What was I thinking? I had run 14km in the morning, which my GPS watch clocks at over 900 calories. All the willpower in the world wasn't going to help me.

The damage?
1 x Gin and Tonic
3 x Glasses of Rose
1 x bowl of "Salad" - but even though on the first bite I could taste chopped up apple, I carried on eating as I was wildly hungry
Some Chicken Breast (So daft, I forgot that my host's wife was really into low carb dieting, and so she brought out a tray of chicken breasts at midnight - this may have saved me... were it not for...)
about 40g cheese
3 x Cookies <- OOOPS!

So I have been mad at myself all day - to have such a great week and then mess it up like that has really annoyed me. plus I have been also super-hungry today.
I roasted a turkey leg and made the whole house smell like Christmas. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I then sat down and devoured the whole thing... eek!

Anyway - what can I do? weekends seem to be a real problem for me. I'm at a juxtaposition. I am now happy and confident enough to go out - and yet I keep messing up and I'm in danger of ending up where I started. I need to develop a series of tactics to deal with this. I did have a brilliant night though ;)

Tomorrow, the scales will quantify the damage. :sigh:
Awwww you're beating yourself up way too much shelly!! It's just so good your honest & pouring your weekends out on here...and you learnt a valuable lesson for the future....always have dinner :) you did 14k - outstanding!!! I couldn't even do 1 !!
all your cheats were booze (and it wasn't beer!! :) 40g of cheese, and 3 cookies...but in your mind that is catastrophic...(seriously as soon as I've had 1 cookie when I'm on dukan (and they are always in the house for the kids) I cannot stop at 1, 3, or 5....I get the taste and I'm knackered...,it's like 8 or 9 total binge...disgusting really) I digress.....
so I think you're restraint is fantastic!!
i know you're annoyed & frustrated because of your good intentions and your so close to conso, but you had a brilliant night plus you curbed it....I bet u can remember the days when you wished you had just cheated on booze, cheese & 3 cookies :)
Big hug & good luck for the scales

Guys - I am beside myself. 10st 4.5lbs.
It's just not freaking fair. I have lost nothing for the past 5 weeks and I am trying so so hard.

Yes, maybe I did throw caution to the wind a bit on Saturday, but seriously. If I was in consol, we could have just called it a celebration meal and be done with it. The rest of the week had been perfect. I went to the gym 5 times, ran 14k Saturday, 10k Wednesday and 6k Monday... I honestly can't understand it.

One of the reasons i thought I was having trouble with losing weight in the past was a hormone tablet that I was taking here called "Yasmine". I switched Birth Control when they stopped importing my usual one. When I realised that is was probably affecting my weight so much, I came off it, but it has really messed me up inside. Since November, I have only had two periods. I guess I need to go the gyno and see what's going on.

I'm really down today - I can't understand why this is happening and I feel a massive sense of injustice. I don't want to be a moany balony. I know I have come so far... but these last few weeks have just done my head in.

I even thought my scales must be broken, so I just went to the pharmacy next to my office, where you can weigh yourself for free and it said 65.5kg, which is basically the same.

I'm thinking of moving to consol on Friday formally, lest I be in danger of sabotaging myself as a result of these lousy weigh-ins.
Sorry for moaning, I'm just so fed up.

If I hadn't lost anything for 5 weeks I would be crying & ready to punch something!! That's really not fair, not justified when you have tried so hard.
the only thing that happened to me quite a few times before, is when I really upped my training, that's when my weight loss stopped, which is ridiculous as it sounds because burning calories it doesn't make any sense, but muscle weighs heavier than fat blah blah blah...
go and see gynae definitely whether it's weight retention related or not...but my god I feel you're pain shelly...
I was going to suggest going onto conso now before I read the last part of your will give you that much more freedom and enjoyment with you taking your frustrations out on bingeing.

I know this feeling so well!! Last time on dukan I stalled for weeks! This won't help as I'm sure it wasn't the right thing to do but I re did attack and just like that was at target weight! I think sometimes our body's get so used to protein and low carb that it needs a shock! Maybe even just 2 days then check again! Just an idea as I know how annoying it is!
Chin up your still completely banging! Lol xxx
Oh Shelly, big hugs, we all know how you feel.

BUT don't let this sabotage you! Andi's right: that is an incredibly restrained night out, especially considering the huge run you did. And you need at least a few days for that to work out of your system, so onto the cabbage and asparagus and a few pp days and you'll be fine - no weighing until the weekend!

And go and see the doctor. Changing pills will definitely mess with your weight (and mood, and skin... At least if you're like me.)

No loss for 5 weeks... Well, have you been on strict cruise? (Apart from the obvious). I did find that I had stalled towards the end of my dukan journey, but after 3 or 4 months of being sooooo strict, I was letting in lots of tolerateds and cheats and just thinking I could get away with it. But how much more do you want/need to lose?

Hey Team...

So I have thought about it long and hard - I've actually been thinking about it for a few weeks now, and this afternoon I reviewed my motivation list for losing weight.

There is a whole bunch of stuff, including:
-To be healthier
-To be a good role model for my younger sisters
-To to make working out easier/ to run faster
-To fit into my clothes
-To not be considered a "failure" at dieting
-To stop nasty comments from strangers
-To feel more in control and less guilty and helpless around food
-(obviously) to feel confident at my sister's wedding
-To be comfortable in a bikini
-To be happier around mirrors and cameras

I have achieved all of these wonderful things. Yes, I didn't get to my "target weight" of 10st as planned, but I suppose I picked that because it was a nice round number and a number I had been comfortable at in the past. This time around, my body is a different shape, I now have 3 years of solid exercise, 5 half marathons and a marathon under my belt. I have more muscle - and maybe my body stubbornly conserves fat, knowing that I might trick it into a horrible long run again. so there it is. This is where I think I should move into Consolidation. And who knows? I'll keep working hard at the gym, and maybe my body just wants a bit of variety? Maybe I'll stay at this weight. But I plan to plough on with it just like the book recommends - and if you can bear to hear about the cheese and fruit, please come follow my new diary.

I'll keep this one open and post some Before and After pics when I sort them out ;)

Big kisses and huge thanks to you all - I definitely could not have done it without you xoxox