Hi everyone, I've stumbled across this thread and it's so inspiring! I've tried VLCDs in the past but never managed to stick with them long enough to get into ketosis. My OH and I are getting married in 2016, however, and he suggested tonight that we both do Exante together so we have ordered loads from ******* and they should be here next week. I am 14st 11lbs and would like to be 9st 7lbs, ideally. I need to get down to 12st 6lbs before I can get a date for the leg surgery that I need so time is ticking!
Merry Christmas Sheridan and well done for staying below target. You'll be back in. Ketosis in no time. I just loved the pic of your dress. Did you get lovely comments?
I'm so impressed with your weightlosswell done x
You have done amazingly well...I'm starting tomorrow. If you don't mind me asking, how do you space your packs out during the day? Do you save them for the eve or spread them out? Can't wait until I look as good as you!
I love the latest pic of you. You really look slim. I can hardly believe you've any to lose. I hate this limbo time I between Christmas and New Year. I hope you've got some relaxation planned after such a busy December.
I'm sure you will reach your next target very soon Sheridan. Your posts are so full of determination & your photo shows that determination has paid off brilliantly. Well donex
Thank you Susie!
I'm glad that my posts are coming across positive, I definitely like reading them back and I post so many photos haha but sometimes i have days where I am thinking I haven't lost any weight and still look huge so it helps to look back on the diary and progress photos.
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