So this is a bit of a turning point for me.
Taking photos and being around my family and some new people made me realise I actually look... Normal.
I'm still classed as overweight, I know. But I just feel good. I don't feel like I need to rush anymore. I enjoyed hitting all my targets so far but I really feel comfortable.
I've been talking a lot with my husband and he has been mentioning maintaining since I hit the low 11s. He thinks I look good now and that I need to work on reintroducing food and managing that relationship. He's right, I think. I definitely feel more aware of my food choices and the fact that I'm actually able to fit in size 12 clothes! And a few 10s.
I was never aiming to be a size 8 and my family don't want me to get too slim again - they think around 10st will look best on me.
So I think it's time for a change, and a new perspective.
I've decided I'm going to do fasting with Exante now. But I'm going to start with 4:3 as to ease myself in. I'm planning to have upto around 1800cals on normal days and obviously 600cals through packs on the fasting days. (Currently going to be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays)
I know it will take a few weeks for my weight to stabilise but I think this will help me more in the long run, I have the tools to maintain and lose the last bit of weight so I just have to apply them.
I will keep posting here and keep you guys updated as I really really appreciate all the support and want to continue being here for others. I hope everyone has a great day - wish me luck!