Hello Sheridan, just reading your posts and previous ones! I'm a bride to be and feeling the pressure to lose weight quickly (11 weeks)and see that you managed a good loss for yours! X
There is so much else to worry about! Don't beat yourself up. The important thing is you're doing something about it now and I'm sure you'll look amazing no matter how much you lose.
I had two packs and a meal last night plus two eggs (though was one as daughter decided she wanted one).
So I'm off for today diet wise, just keeping an eye on the amount of calories I'm having by putting it in myfitnesspal.
Then it's the start and narrow from tomorrow, I'm clear socially until Christmas so I'm glad I'm taking this time off and having fun rather than struggling through bday celebrations.
I hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! Off to travel to my home town in a little bit!
I've had the weekend off seeing family and celebrating with a meal out. Where I didn't have any packs and had to wait in for my brother to bring me the 2 hours home yesterday, I decided to have that day off.
I kept it under 2000 calories each day and didn't binge I don't think.
Back on TS 100% from today and I have weighed in at 13st 6.7lbs this morning. I don't think that's too bad - a gain of 3.1lbs for unrestricted eating. I don't have any planned events that I know of between now and Christmas where I will have to eat.
Hopefully I can lose the gain this week and who knows maybe my loss will be jump started for this week and take me clear into the 12s?! Would be great!
Coming to the end of the day and been fine. Have one more shake to have but hungry has been at bay and coping fine.
Just tired, seems to be a trend for everyone at the moment. Clocks went back didn't they? Think it would give more time to sleep but obviously not! Will be happy to reach Saturday. First assignment for this final year will be done and then another month until the next thing is due.
Did well, no problems yesterday. Will be good when back in ketosis. Decided to weigh this morning as I let out a waterfall this morning lol and happy to say I'm -1.6lbs of the 3.1lbs gain already! which I think is great.
Been looking in my apps and they say if I can average out 2lb a week I can reach my first mini goal by the end of my 100 day challenge which I can live with though seeing it at the end of December like hoped would be brilliant!
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday - I need to finish an essay!
Ooooo I can't wait to be 'overweight' or better yet 'normal' which is something I've never been since I was about six years old. I'm going to go have a look what my weight needs to be to move down. What a great idea for a goal. You'll get there, as you say we just have to keep going.
It's a weird feeling isn't it thinking how you'll feel when you get to goal, we spend a lot of time back and forthing with dieting and it's almost like we don't expect ourselves to ever get close.
For me, I think I was 12st back in 2010 so it's nice to think I could be there again in as little as a few weeks. And then my BMI will be under 30 just.
Still 100% since Monday which is good. I'm another 1lb down this morning so only 0.4lb left of my 3.1lb gain to lose and I'm back to last weigh ins weight! Whoop!
I chose not to do an official weigh in this week because I knew I'd be off and I knew that it would be a fleeting gain.
I will be on this for longer than 12 weeks probably and so I felt for me, I would prefer to skip weighing in after a planned break.
I'm hopeful that I can get very close to the 12s by next Tuesday (originally week 5 weigh in but will now be week 4) as I only have 4lb to go and restarting after weekend break should hopefully give me a bit of a boost.
Scary to think it will already be November on Saturday! Just 20 more days and I'll be half way through my 100 day challenge!
I'm aiming for 3 stone total loss at the end of it but to be honest, I'd be happy reaching the 11st 12lb mark in this time. Weight loss may be rapid on a VLCD but must remember that our bodies fluctuate all the time and if it starts to slow to a crawl I will measure instead.
Having a tough time today, probably still trying to get into ketosis from the weekend and I was beyond tempted to get a takeaway.
That's when my husband stepped in and asked me how would I really feel about it? Would it satisfy the cravings I am having? Would it make me feel guilty after eating it? Is it worth wasting the money on something that is stodgy and going to not satisfy your belly for long?
He also said to me that if I need to eat to stay on track that's fine but why not eat something that will not pile on pounds for nothing. He told me to make myself some eggs and have a shake.
He said to me, you keep saying you are doing it for me (joke around always saying he deserves a slimmer wife) when he loves me the way I am. He told me I have to do it for myself and if I keep thinking that it will make him happy to eat together then that's not right.
I'm so pleased he stepped in and have me the support when I needed it. I'm now making up 3 eggs and am going to have a teaspoon of extra light mayo with it instead of a takeaway.
256 calories and 2.8 carbs much better than god knows how much a takeaway would have cost me.
Wow, he is a keeper! Complete contrast to mine who bought the takeaway while I was asleep in the car then guilt tripped me into eating it. Good for you going for the egg option. They would be my fall back too. I hope the pangs go soon. Drink lots helps too.
Hopefully your husband will come around to the idea that you're doing this for your health and yourself and it doesn't change how you feel about him.
The hunger pangs are better. I regret having the eggs - tasted great and everything but goes to show how much I would have regretted having a takeaway and possibly would have continued to eat for this evening!
Got to remember sometimes it's helpful having someone on the outside looking in when we can't see the wood through the trees.