Sherry's Diary - No need to knock. Come on in! :D

Oh sod it....... nobody died. Just put it down to a bloody good time and move on. Can't be good all of the time.

My kids are fighting in the kitchen. I gotta go bang their heads together......... can't be bothered! haha.

Exactly! Im so over it!!! Really need to go get organised for work 2moro but can't be bothered moving! Hair needs washed, clothes need ironed......dull! x
Exactly! Im so over it!!! Really need to go get organised for work 2moro but can't be bothered moving! Hair needs washed, clothes need ironed......dull! x

I'm organised. Kids stuff all washed 'n ironed. Just watched Dancing on Ice. Gonna go have me pud 'n make a coffee. Think I'll go have a bath too. Monday day off so I'm gonna strip beds tomorrow. Oh I'm such a wifie! What happened to good times 'n rock 'n roll? Bah! :D
Another nice day. Was a bit frosty this morning when out walkin with Smudgerelli! Also what a difference in a week. By 6.30 the sun had started to pop up. Daylight is earlier 'n earlier.

Anyhoo, just popped in to say "Happy Monday".


Oh, photo from the ball on Friday. This was me sober and the other two is George 'n Mildred. (Mildred being the bloke!). My best mate Karen 'n her husband Andy.


  • Andy, Sher, Kaz.jpg
    Andy, Sher, Kaz.jpg
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Dya know what...........

At this time everyday I'm clammin! Could eat a scabby horse and every time I eat half a packet of sugar free polos (other half been eaten at 6am when out walkin my pooch) and it the hunger goes..... well subsides is probably more the word. Yay.... discovery!

Also, I'm fed up being self employed and I'm such a softie that I book too many people in and don't get much me time so I've applied for a wee checkout job with Asda. Got an interview tomorrow. Won't completely stop the hair and nails but it'll definately be bare minimum. I'm quite looking forward to it. Wait 'n see eh? They'll maybe say "Beat it fatty!" or "hey fat ass........ wanna job?" Ya never know! Will tell you either way! PMSL!

Having Fajitas for tea - trickle of excitement - haven't had them for a while and I'm a wee bit buzzed about it! I need to get out more. Does anybody know how many points per Asda Tortilla Wrap? I suppose I'd better look it up eh?

Anybody watch Larkrise to Candleford? Dya reckon Laura's clockmaker is gonna come back 'n sweep her off her feet? Only two episodes left..... he bloody better! I'm such a romantic and I want Dorcas to marry the hotelier wozzizname. Sigh.......
Cabbage Pattison is a pain in my bum! Grrr!!! And Ruby eats like a mouse never mind screams when she sees one! Oh I could go on.

And.... anybody got the new DS Game called Walk With Me? It comes with 2 pedometers and once you've had a walk, you plug it into your DS and it records your exercise 'n gives you wee games to do etc. I've ordered it but it's having to be Pre-ordered despite it supposedly being released 20/2/9....... 4 weeks wait! What's that all about? Anyhoo, just thought I'd mention it in case anybody has used it yet. Don't know why I bother cuz nobody replies but at least I've put it out there. It keeps me amused if nothing else. LOL

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I want that game too! It sound fab! was going to buy a pedometers! Hope it is released soon, these things are always delayed, the rubbish games are out on time! lol
I don't normally buy games........ but this I gotta buy. Think it's beginning of April before I get it but that's no biggy. I'm sure I can wait that long. Lovin Majhong Quest just now... addictive. In fact I'm off to bed to do just that. Nite nite. xx

Prob too late but think asda tortilla wraps are about 1.5/2 pts? Do like fajhitas, they are yum!

Good for you with your wee part time job, hope your interview goes well 2moro, let us know how you get on wont you?

Not heard of that game, but i tell you what is fabulous... me and my pal were out running and she's just bought a pair of trainers with the ipod thing in it. She attaches something on to her ipod and it tells you how long we ran for, how long it took us, how many calories etc we burned, its awesome!!! I so want one, but im guessing the trainers are probably pretty dear :(


Prob too late but think asda tortilla wraps are about 1.5/2 pts? Do like fajhitas, they are yum!

Good for you with your wee part time job, hope your interview goes well 2moro, let us know how you get on wont you?

Not heard of that game, but i tell you what is fabulous... me and my pal were out running and she's just bought a pair of trainers with the ipod thing in it. She attaches something on to her ipod and it tells you how long we ran for, how long it took us, how many calories etc we burned, its awesome!!! I so want one, but im guessing the trainers are probably pretty dear


I'm on me bed, typing on my itouch and spookily Gary was just talkin bout that. We both got itouch and there is a Nike application. He was looking at trainers tonight. Don't do running. 34f cup - no ta! Fast walking is my lot....and me bum wobbles!!! Haha. x

Had to rearrange that cuz the iTouch can be a bit tricky...... so fiddly. All sorted now.
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LOL!!! Yeh they can be a pain in the butt!! Although im sure if my stomach was measured in one big cup size it wouldn't be too clever. It takes some doing running and holding your stomach in as much as you can :D It is smart tho! Guess ill need an ipod first tho eh? Mite help!

Whens ur interview 2moro? x
You're posts are hilarious - my head's spinnin'


(you're really gonna have to sort out that bladder problem:D)
LOL!!! Yeh they can be a pain in the butt!! Although im sure if my stomach was measured in one big cup size it wouldn't be too clever. It takes some doing running and holding your stomach in as much as you can :D It is smart tho! Guess ill need an ipod first tho eh? Mite help!

Whens ur interview 2moro? x

Had to laugh, my starting weight is 20lbs more than yours. So I'm thinking perhaps my middle bit wobbles more! Haha. Less ur an oompa loompa? How tall are you?

Love my itouch. So handy if I can't be bothered opening the laptop. Just check my emails and minimins wherever I am. Wireless wi-fi connection depending of course.

Interview is tonight. 6 to 7.30. I'm a bit of a snob sometimes to be honest which is hard to believe I know cuz I've absolutely no scruples but....... I'm (trying to word this properly) a bit over qualified for doing checkouts at Asda. Qualified Secretary, Hairdresser, Nail Technician, Waxer, Hand & Foot Therapist, Indian Head Masseus........ Lady of the Night........ JOKIN!!!! :8855:

Don't get me wrong.... I bloody love the place, it's where all my money goes and I'm really just looking for a no brainer for savings for spends for me holidays. So checkouts at Asda, around 12 hours a week is just the ticket while the kids are at school. I've not got the job yet and I'm justifying why I do and don't want it! They'll probably recognise that I'm a bit unstable 'n not call anyway. How embarassing!!! Haha.

So my lovelies.... wish me luck? Or not! :D
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You're posts are hilarious - my head's spinnin'


(you're really gonna have to sort out that bladder problem:D)

Glad you like my humour Jackie. I think it goes over alot of peoples heads but then I'm just babblin for my my own benefit half the time.

The 'pee' comments are just added for comedic value...... I don't really pee..... I had two cesarean sections so all's well down there........ cept with using Aloe Vera scented toilet roll! Nightmare! All good now though. :D

And another thing.................

It's 9.12am and I've so much to do. Gotta go to the wholesaler for hair colour, take stuff back to Next and go to my old folks home......shampoo 'n set brigade awaits and here I am sitting crying!!!! Anybody seen the Hallmark advert where the teenage boy gives his Mum a card!!??? I'm in bits!! What's that about??? Waaaghh! Maybe it's cuz I've got one of them (teenage son) and it pulled my heart strings! Waaaagh (again!).

Oh he got his brace off on Friday and he's beating the girls at school off wi sticks! That's my boy! ;)
LOL .. i saw that ad last night! soooooooooooo true of teenagers! lol .. thought it was soo sweet!
Hi Sherry, know what you means about the Hallmark ad. I've got 3 boys, but am lucky they don't grunt all the time, I can have a conversation sometimes!! My fav advert is where the old man is sheering his sheep and he does his dog as well:D Good luck for the interview,you'll be fine. Don't talk too much at the interview though like you do on here, as they'll think you wont get many shops done as you'll be talking all day. You can do that when you get the job but get through the interview!!! Know what you mean about wanting an easy job. I work in a unit with excluded children and I often feel like i'm working in beruit!

Good luck
Karen x
Hi Sherry, know what you means about the Hallmark ad. I've got 3 boys, but am lucky they don't grunt all the time, I can have a conversation sometimes!! My fav advert is where the old man is sheering his sheep and he does his dog as well:D Good luck for the interview,you'll be fine. Don't talk too much at the interview though like you do on here, as they'll think you wont get many shops done as you'll be talking all day. You can do that when you get the job but get through the interview!!! Know what you mean about wanting an easy job. I work in a unit with excluded children and I often feel like i'm working in beruit!

Good luck
Karen x

Talk alot on here Karen but not as much offline. Thanks for your concern though. Have every intention of keeping quiet. :)
I was only joking about not talking a lot at interview!!! Go for it, i'd rather go to a till where someone has a chat :) rather than a glum one:( I'd enjoy seeing what everyone is buying and seeing what they're having for dinner!!
What happened to the days when you walked in, sat down, got grilled, smiled alot 'n left!??? Two hours I was there!!! Had to pretend I was selling gardening gloves. Jeez! Also had to go in store, pin down an employee, grill them to bits about their job 'n pro's 'n cons of working for Asda then report back! Then I was winjin to myself wondering if all this is worth the bother for around 12 hours. They probably don't even employ people for 12 hours!!! However I've came home, had me tea and they phoned. Interview at 11.30 on Thursday. So now we gotta see what Thursday says. Joy! That'll be the grillin bit. Question is......... can I be a*sed? x

BTW - think me chopped onions is coming back!

And - Mistresses is magic!

Also - getting new phone tomorrow.

Nearly forgot - Still got 5.5 points left! And 3 AP's! Yay me!