:wave_cry:Thank you all so much, all this support is very overwhelming, brings a tear to the eye to think so many people would take their time to send this love and support, people I don't even know. I am very grateful.
Actually, I am starting to feel a little bit better. My food consumption for today involved 2 binges, the total food being;
2 Rijvitas
1 Bannana
1 90 calorie cheese snack
1 98 calorie kellogs snack (can't remember name of either brands)
2 Bowls of soup
2 Bowls of porridge
2 cupcakes
2 cream cakes
Sick as this sounds, that is a relatively small binge for one day to me, so I am proud of this.
As well of this I only threw up twice. The day before, I threw up 6 times, can you see how this is very significant?
And I've done an hour of Yoga which involved a very intensive abdominal workout which always leaves a good taste in my mouth. Yesterday I did an hour on my stepper, so I am introducing the exercise slowly back into the system.
Also, if anyone else suffers from serious bingeing my doctor gave me a book called "Overcoming Binge Eating" by Dr. Christopher G. Fairburn. I reccomend you grab a copy - it was frightening seeing my entire condition written down in a book with all the experiences and development in the exact order I came across it.

Very helpful.