Afternoon lovely ladies! It's another beautiful day here in sunny Pembrokeshire. I'm enjoying not having a hangover, although I'm quite tired after being woken up by the sun after 4 hours sleep, eek!! I had a good night out and got to cuddle up to Mike, so I'm blissfully happy today! Vomit-inducing I know, haha! :yuk: xx
Or marg or sugar!!
Are you up to much today hun? X
Morning all. Well what a horrible evening last night...I went to the pub quiz as usual, and while we were there one of our elderly team members just dropped dead!!He must have had a massive heart attack or something because he just keeled over and hit the bar...there was no pulse or anything despite half an hour of chest compression and him being shocked and everything. I'm just numb this's been a long time since I've seen anybody die