Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

I'm usually far too busy singing, drinking too much and making a fool of myself to allow anybody to video me! ;) xx

You'll be too busy to notice me lurking in the shadows with my video camera then ;-) x
Sunday 1st May (F&H day)

The food plan so far...


Shredded wheat
Skimmed milk


Fried egg
Jersey royal potatoes
2tbsp reduced sugar ketchup - 1wp


Crumpets - wooo! :D
3 tsp low fat spread - 2wp
3 tsp honey - 2wp

Snacks and drinks:

WW bakewell slice - 2wp

Today's pro points : 0

Weekly points used: 7

Weekly points remaining: 24/49
Last edited:
Morning all! Cor, it's a bit early for a Sunday morning! :eek: I've been up since 8.30 and done my packing to go back to Pembrokeshire and had breakfast, so now I can chill out a bit.

Last night's band were interesting! It was a bluegrass band...not my favourite branch of country and western imaginable, but tolereable. I didn't drink too much considering I was out from 8 until 4am :rolleyes:

It's good to be in control! I hope you all have a good day :) xx
I'm always an early riser! Doesn't matter what time I go to bed, I'm still up at the crack of dawn! Will u have a power nap aka sofa snooze this afternoon? X

Popping in 2 subscribe.

Wot do u think of WW so far? I like the fact that u r able 2 have thins & bread & crumpets. All within reason of course. A u would have seen from diary I am following F&H but the app that I am using is tallying everything.

Ur nite out sounds like it was really gd. I nd a gd nite out soon!!!

Have a gd nite & hope that U catch up on ur sleep!

Urgh, got to sleep at about half 1 and was awake at is not going to be a good day! :(

Oh No :-( Hope u make it through the day ok, onwards to tonight's bedtime! X
Urgh, got to sleep at about half 1 and was awake at is not going to be a good day! :(

I think it's a Sunday in2 Monday thing, I'm like that every wk!!! Probably the Thot of work!! Hope u feel a bit more awake soon x

Sent from my iPad using mobile app
Monday 2nd May (PP day)

The food plan so far...


Mcvities medley bar - 5pp


100g wholemeal pasta - 9pp
Tomato, pepper, mushroom and bacon sauce - 3pp


Coop low fat spinach and ricotta cannelloni - 8pp
Cherry tomatoes
Asda chorizo potatoes with roasted mushrooms - 7pp

Snacks and drinks:

WW chocolate orange crisp bar - 2pp
WW double chocolate and raspberry biscuit - 2pp
WW chocolate, raisin and caramel bar - 2pp

Today's pro points : 36/36

Weekly points used: 2

Weekly points remaining: 22/49