Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I'm popping into see the family I work for for a catch up... Looking forward to seeing them.. And their dog lol... And the pebble dash guy should be here tomorrow too.. Not sure what time.. We're only have ours done cos next door are and it made sense to do it all at the same time.. It's not all over the front of the house though thank god lol. Apart from that I've no idea... Kev's off work after tonight now until Friday evening xx
Afternoon all!

The stupid app isn't working again, so I can't upload the picture of the risotto balls I made. To be honest they were ok, but not really worth the effort if I'm being honest. They'd probably have tasted better being fried, but they were a bit bland baked. When the app starts working again I'll upload the picture I took.

Hope everyone's having a good day xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I've reinstalled the app and it's working fine now for the moment.

Here's a pic of the risotto balls...


They look enormous but that's actually a side plate :)
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

They were ok, but to be honest I don't think I'll be making them again. The risotto seemed to have lost a lot of its taste, but whether that's because it was leftovers I don't know. Leftovers never seem as tempting to me, lol! Xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Aww what a shame... I hate it when that happens.. Like me with the magic pancakes... They were ok but I won't be bothering again x
Shame the risotto balls were a bit of a let down, but at least you can say you tried them!

Foods looking great - what you wearing for the wedding? I hope we'll get lots of pics!? X
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hey Hun !!!

Food looks good like the sound off the risotto balls think k I've had them at a restaurant before now !!
Hope the wedding goes well this weekend xxx

Thank you hun. The poor things are really stressed out at the moment as the reception venue has suddenly turned round today and told them they aren't including a toast, drink on arrival or flowers in the price they've paid, despite the venue telling them this was included when everything was booked ages ago. I'm doing the name cards for them tomorrow as they'd forgotten about them with all the stress xxx

Shame the risotto balls were a bit of a let down, but at least you can say you tried them!

Foods looking great - what you wearing for the wedding? I hope we'll get lots of pics!? X

Hiya hun! I'm wearing a navy shift dress with a cream fern pattern on it, with a cream bolero with ruched sleeves. I've then got red shoes, bag and fascinator to go with it. It actually looks very nice, despite sounding a bit plain! I should hopefully have some photos to upload, although I try not to get in photos, lol! Xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Thursday 15th August (Green)

The food plan so far...


None, oops!


Cheese, onion and tomato omelette (HexA1)
Bread and butter (HexB1 + 2 syns)
Ketchup - 1 syn


Cheesy savoury rice (HexA2)
Garlic mushrooms and courgettes
Chicken (HexB2)

Snacks and drinks:

Crisps - 5 syns
Mullerlight yoghurt

Today's syns: 8

Total syns: 91

Syns remaining: 14/105
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Good luck for tomorrow hun.... Let us know how you get on... Did you have anything to eat? XX
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Maybe a glass of water too to fill you up... Or is it too late? It would be for me.. I'd be up all night peeing lol c