Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I've just had a drink before I take myself off to bed. I'm having my highlights re-done in the morning, then I've got the task of printing, trimming and stapling about 50 orders of service for the wedding on Saturday. Yes, they are that disorganised! :rolleyes: xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

good luck for your weigh in tomorrow xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I've just been rudely awoken by my older brother crashing into my room (which used to be his room before he got married) in a complete drunken stupor! I may actually kill him tomorrow when he's sober! :mad::mad::mad: I'm assuming he's fallen out with his wife...again!!!! :mad:
Is this a different brother to the one that's getting married (I hope so!)? Anyway, hope you got back to sleep and that those scales are kind to you this morning xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Hiya hun. Yes this is my older brother who got married last year. Their relationship has always been a bit volatile shall we say.

I'm reporting in with a half a pound loss this week. It's not great, but at least it's a step downwards and not upwards xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Actually, I've weighed again and it's a pound off! I had to move my scales to somewhere different because of the drunken oaf, and now I've been able to move them back they're saying a pound off (it was 3/4 of a pound on the other surface but I rounded it down). Yay!

It takes me just down below the 200lb mark if my maths is correct! :D

I'm sure with the wedding I'll probably put on a couple of pound this week, but at least I've lost a few before the wedding so I don't have to feel too guilty! :) xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Friday 16th August (Green)

Thanks ladies! It's been a busy day so far...I've had my hair highlighted, picked up the order of service stuff from my brother, printed off 50 copies, trimmed them all and folded them. I would have stapled them too other than the fact I forgot to change the delivery address on the order to my mum and dad's address. Oops! :eek: So I've had to order another one and hope it arrives first thing tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me otherwise I'm going to have to trek down to Pembroke Dock to pick it up this evening :rolleyes:

The food plan so far...


None as I was busy busy!


BBQ beans on toast (HexB)


Macaroni cheese (2 x HexA + 5 syns)
Ketchup - 1 syn
Ham (HexB)
Beetroot and tomatoes

Snacks and drinks:

Today's syns: 6

Total syns: 6

Syns remaining: 99/105
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I've just cleaned both our bathrooms, tidied my room up and hoovered through...I think the house is ready for visitors now, lol!

All I have to do tomorrow now is staple the order of service, help my aunty assemble the cake at the reception venue and get myself ready (making sure I wear waterproof mascara as I'm bound to cry!!). Oh, and have lunch! Roll on Sunday when it's all over, lol! :D:D xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I'm not sure about's definitely stressful! I'm wearing a navy shift dress with a cream fern pattern on it and a cream shrug with ruched sleeves. I've then got red shoes, handbag and fascinates to go with it. The weather is supposed to be foul for tomorrow so we'll probably all look like drowned rats! Haha! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Booo to the weather :-(
Your outfit sounds fab though.. Hope we're going to see pics ;-) xx
I hate the camera too Sian .

Your outfit sounds lovely.

Enjoy the day sweet friend, your a Mr. Right could be lurking around at the venue. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx