Sian's 2015 restart - time to shift the weight once and for all!

Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Oh no!!! Sounds like you had a bad night hun :( Or a good night up until the lack of sleep, lol! I love cocktails...they feel so naughty, but really they've got hardly any alcohol in them! I on the other hand had far too much vodka, danced like an idiot to all manner of rubbish, fell over twice, and insisted on having some 'issues' out with a guy who likes me but is too much of a bloomin pain in the arse to do anything about it. All in all an eventful night! :eek: xx

Aww hope you haven't hurt yourself too much! How's your dad doing Sian? Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Aww hope you haven't hurt yourself too much! How's your dad doing Sian? Xx

I think I'm more embarrassed than hurt, lol! I flashed my knickers as the guy who likes me the first time I fell, lol! :eek: I feel fine in myself, I just know I've had about a million syns, lol! I may see if I can take a picture of my bruised knees...

Dad's doing ok thanks! He's still got a bit of a headache, but I think that's probably normal after somebody's rooted around in your brain :eek: xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

I think I'm more embarrassed than hurt, lol! I flashed my knickers as the guy who likes me the first time I fell, lol! :eek: I feel fine in myself, I just know I've had about a million syns, lol! I may see if I can take a picture of my bruised knees...

Dad's doing ok thanks! He's still got a bit of a headache, but I think that's probably normal after somebody's rooted around in your brain :eek: xx

At least you were wearing knickers lol :D:D

I love a good injury photo :p

Glad your dad is ok hun :) made me cringe though when you said rooting round in your brain :eek:
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D


Cor my knees look fat in this picture!!! Cringe! I'm not sure whether the bruises show up yet...I reckon they'll look very interesting in a couple of days time! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

At least you were wearing knickers lol :D:D

I love a good injury photo :p

Glad your dad is ok hun :) made me cringe though when you said rooting round in your brain :eek:

Tee hee! Yes, luckily I was wearing knickers! :D:D And they even matched the colour of my shoes, just in case I got run over by a bus ;) xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Evening ladies! Just a quick post from me...this week is absolutely mental. It's my full week with lots of additional stress as we've got lesson observations going on this week. Mine is tomorrow so I'm a little stressed out!

I've had an absolutely horrendous week food-wise ever since Saturday really. I don't think I want to get on the scales on Friday as I know it's going to be a gain of several pounds. I just don't seem to have been able to stop eating crap all week! :eek::eek: My totm started today so I know now why I've had an insatiable urge for sweet stuff.

Oh well, better week next week xx
Awww good luck for tomorrow hun im sure it will be a breeze for you. Theres a common theme going on this week with bad food choices by a lot of people me included. Get Friday out of the way and start your new week afresh xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Evening ladies! How are you all? Yet another terrible food day, but I'm not going to dwell on it! A new week starts tomorrow, wooo!! I'm actually looking forward to getting my focus back...eating crap takes its toll in the end!

My observation came and went as well today. It ended up being lesson 6 of 6, and after about half an hour the fire alarm went off...just great!! Not the lesson I wanted really! The pair inspecting me said the lesson was good though, so I'll take that as a positive! Stress over for today...I'm doing nothing tonight, lol! Except maybe watching Waterloo Road! Xx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Morning ladies. Well as expected I gained weight this week...a whole 3lb! :eek::eek::eek: I'm so disappointed with myself as this gain puts me back to my pre-summer holiday weight. I need a massive kick up the arse I really do! :(:(

I'm determined to lose next Friday so I need you all to keep kicking me up the arse please! Now that my observation is over I should hopefully have a bit more time to post...I need to keep posting regularly to keep me on track.

I hope you all have a lovely day! Xx
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Morning! I think there's a few of us that need a good kick up the bum!! You can do it Sian. You sound very positive! Here's to a good day xxx
Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Friday 27th September (EE)

The food plan so far...


None - I was too busy in work!


Pork and smoked paprika ragu
Uncle Ben's chicken savoury rice - 2.5 syns


Chicken thighs
1 sausage - 0.5 syns
New potatoes with RF cheddar grated on top (HexA)
EL salad cream - 2 syns

Snacks and drinks:

Toffee Greek mullerlight - 0.5 syn

Today's syns: 5.5

Total syns: 5.5

Syns remaining: 99.5/105
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Re: Sian's restart diary - third time lucky! :-D

Happy Friday Sian... Any plans for the weekend?? XX

Hiya hun! No plans as such, just my usual work and out on Saturday night. I intend being far better behaved this weekend as I'm not at home to have people leading me astray! How about you? Xx