I managed to gain 2lb, it could be any number of things, I definitely stuck to plan this week but three things might have scuppered me...1st it would normally be my time of the month..had a hysterectomy 14 years ago but still get bloated and cravings every month, 2nd my ankles look like elephant feet, definitely retaining water today and 3rd my son in law just informed me that eating my big protein brekkie and doing weights is likely to increase my muscle definition and I could be holding water cos of that, I am beginning to see my muscles taking shape...it's amazing, Arnie and me muscle bound hahaha... got a little upset, had a good cry and ready to tackle next week now...a new week a new start...I will lose at least 3lb this week I can assure you :fingerscrossed:
had a yummy grill up and loads of naughty syns...but still came in at 14.5 syns for the day ...phew lol xxxx