Hi Lily, really love the new photo, you can surely tell you are really happy and feeling positive in that picture, you should be very proud of yourself, we all are. :hug99:xx
Thank you hun, I do feel really positive right now, just shows you can do and be whatever you set your mind to...I am proud of myself for a change hun lol
Hope you're well and Chris is too :hug99: xxxx
evening lovely lily, hope you have had a good weekend sounds like you have
All this positivity is bursting out of minimins at present. hope you get to see your friend this week, catching up with old friends is always good xxx
Hey sweetie, I have had a lovely weekend, am a bit puzzled by a huge bruise that has appeared on my right calf though, don't remember bashing it or anything, god knows how it got there, been there 2 days and nothing, no pain, didn't hurt at all, until tonight and now it's aching...hmmm not a clue how I came to have it, very strange.
The positivity is absolutely oozing out of every crevice on here, you can really feel it can't you? I personally love it, spurs me on :bighug:
Will be nice to catch up with her later, we were work colleagues for 9 years just me and her (we worked the night shift), unless one of us was on holidays, and even though we don't live that far from each other she is a really busy lady, but it's lovely to catch up just a couple of times a year, I always look forwards to it xxxxxxxxxx
Hey Lily

I haven't stopped by your diary for a while.I love your new photo and hair style

.Will have a catch up on your diary.xx
Hey hun, long time no see, thank you for the lovely compliment and welcome back anytime sweetie and any suggestions or comments are always greatly received :hug99: xxxxxx