Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Morning all, so let's start the day with my positives:

1) It's freezing cold outside and I am in my lovely warm house with a steaming hot mug of coffee
2) I slept well again, the painkillers are helping me sleep but I'm not complaining :giggle:
3) Breakfast was yummy, lunch is going to be yummier and dinner is making me :drool: and all SW friendly too, can't ask for better
4) Went to Tesco's last night and got the biggest leg of lamb and Pork Joints all half price cost me just under £20 a bargain (maybe shouldn't make that a positive but it's made me happy , so in my books it counts :D )
Lily42uk said:
Morning all, so let's start the day with my positives:

1) It's freezing cold outside and I am in my lovely warm house with a steaming hot mug of coffee
2) I slept well again, the painkillers are helping me sleep but I'm not complaining :giggle:
3) Breakfast was yummy, lunch is going to be yummier and dinner is making me :drool: and all SW friendly too, can't ask for better xxx

Sounds good-is this all I have to do for Jackie's positives thing? As she's asked me to do it too, but wasn't really sure what it involved! xxx
Yep that's it hun just 3 things minimum, can be more if you want, that are positives and make you feel happy, good and ready for a positive day, it really works, don't know how but I am not even tempted to pick which is what I have been doing for last 3 weeks xxx
just popped in before doing my positives and had to smile cos my first one is very similar to yours :D

jo thats all ther is to it at least 3 positives thoughts for the day about anything. its really uplifting :D

hope your mouth is feeling better and well done for catching it earlyxx

Love the hair too must off been the week for it cos i had mine done yesterday too :D
Menu for today:


Kiwi Fruit x 2
Oats so simple (Hexb)
Milk (part Hexa)
Golden Syrup 2 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water ( 1 pint )

Mid Morning:
Green Tea with ginger

Chicken Pasta Quiche
Home made piccalilli 2 syns
Water (1 pint )

Mid Afternoon:
Green Tea with ginger

Honey Roast Chicken 2 syns (for honey)
Roast Potatoes
Gravy 2 syns

Milky Coffee (part Hexa)
FF Yoghurt

Water (2 pints) while exercising

Total for the day = 9.5 syns

Total for the week (Day 4) = 40.5 /105 syns
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just popped in before doing my positives and had to smile cos my first one is very similar to yours :D

jo thats all ther is to it at least 3 positives thoughts for the day about anything. its really uplifting :D

hope your mouth is feeling better and well done for catching it earlyxx

Love the hair too must off been the week for it cos i had mine done yesterday too :D

I looked outside and it was snowing and then my sister knocked as she was taking my nieces car for an MOT (she has bought my niece a car for xmas and is keeping it on my drive told her daughter it was Kirsty's lol) and the cold hit me hard and my first thought was thank god I don't have to go out in that lol
I was just going to have a trim when Alison my hairdresser turned up on Wednesday and I just had a sudden urge to chop it all off...I feel like I need a new look for the new me :giggle:
Just going to pop and see what your positives are hun, I am loving waking up to positive thinking everyday, it's not like me ...hang on let me rephrase that, it wasn't like me, the old me, to wake and immediately think of the positives and I feel so much happier and fuller, which kind of tells me that food was definitely an emotional crutch xxx :hug99: xxx
I'm off to have a look xxx
Well I am kn***ered, finally finished bottling up the pickles and despatching them lol and cooked my lunch, for some reason I got it into my head I was having soup today but I'm not I'm having pasta quiche, was going to put bacon in but put chicken in instead and having some lovely salad and homemade piccalilli with it yummmm xxxx

The quiche is to die for, only realised today that I have an aversion to pasta, I nearly always put on if I eat it too often and I've had the quiche 4 times this week ...ooops lol but it is so yummy, can eat the whole thing for just 0.5 syns...not that I would even a quarter is too
much lol

Hey who needs anymore positives, 2 weeks holiday at Christmas is enough positives for anyone :giggle: xxxx
That quiche looks yummy Lily I'll have a slice of that with my bacon sarnie on Monday huni ;)


Quiche looks scrummy Lily
I wouldn't say no to a piece
im starving .....

Aww come on over ladies, I have loads left and it's so easy peasy to make, never made one that was so simple .

1 pack of Batchelors Pasta n Sauce made up as per packet instructions.
once cooked put it in the bottom of an overn proof flan dish.
Mix together 1 tub of FF or virtually FF Cottage Cheese 225-300g (doesn't matter what size as long as it's no more than 300g) and 4 eggs + S&P , when fully mixed pour over the pasta n sauce in flan dish (pasta n sauce doesn't have to be cold, just leave to cool for about 5 mins). Then slice up 2 tomatoes and place on top.
Cook in oven at 350 F or 180 C for 30 mins .
Serve with a salad ...there are so few syns ...I think the maximum is 2 syns depending on which Pasta n Sauce you use (I usually use the Tomatoe ones which are free) for the whole Quiche which when divided up makes it negligible syns and it's so yummy
Even Mal loves it and he hates Pasta xxx
Just for the lovely Tanya who thinks I am a misery :p, I have now changed my avatar to prove that I'm not :giggle:xxxx
OMG Lily our hair is a) almost the same cut b) colour :D see we really are twins :D:D:D:D:D fab new piccie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yep like I said we are even psychic twins, almost the same cut on the same day...spooky eh? :hug99: lol
Thank you hunni, Tanya was right I did look a misery :giggle: xxxxx

Wow! It looks even pwettier on your new pic xx

Aww thanks you sweetie :hug99: xxxx