Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Awwwwww how sweet of her to stick up for you, and it definitely looks like he listened :bighug:

Hope he keeps it up

Can't wait for your positives today and menu :D xxx

How sweet :) as long as he does as he's told! X

That's so adorable! Awww :)

Hey thank you ladies :hug99:, I am absolutely astounded but really pleased he listened to her. He has been so sweet today, went into the town centre to pick up some things for me from lakelands and said when he came back that he was glad that I had stuck to my guns where the smoking was concerned, because normally by the time he had walked from here to the train station (about a 5 min walk), he would normally be gasping for breath, but today he made it with no problems at all, so :fingerscrossed: he seems to be seeing a benefit from it this time, not had that from him before xxx:hug99:xxx
Grrrr to that woman next door
how I long to attack her with my spork
for you Lily

happy Saturday xx

Oh how I long for you to attack her with your bus :8855: :8855: is that being a bit too nasty ? :giggle:
Happy Saturday to you, better late than never :hug99: xxx

Your menus sound delicious!

Thank you hun, they taste delicious too :hug99: xxx

Hello to my lovely lily x x
Happy new year to you x remember your adopting me lol . I. Ve had a blip this week (holds head in shame ?but for the first time ever I ve decided to battle through and can I just say that it's reading diaries such as yours that gives me the motivation to carry on and I ve been honest on my own diary admitting a blip . In times before I would of given up and gone back to my old way s So thank you
Have to say love your diary as well as I feel I know Mal and your family lol hope he behaves ?and that your foot is a bit better today x
Hello to all the other lovely ladies on this thread x

Happy New Year Katie :new_year: to you too hun, I will adopt you hun, I said I would and I keep my promises lol
Don't worry about little blips sweetie, we all have them, had a few myself lately, but hey ho line drawn...I will have to go find your diary, I have loads to catch up with, But I always get there in the end .
Hubby is being good today, long may it last and foot is definitely improving, thank you for your concern :bighug: xxxxx

Ah that's lovely that he listened :)

Hope your feeling better and your foots healing well x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

Thank you Lisa, he has been fab and just made me a lovely cuppa too, so no complaints today far :giggle: :hug99: xxxx
My positves for today:

1) Despite a late night because of noisy neighbour from hell, I woke up happy cos my prince charming woke me with a kiss.
2) Decided to clean my food cupboards and ended up doing them all and they are lovely and clean, tidy and well sorted.
3) Had a lovely yummy dinner and have been perfect today food wise.
4) Am having an evening alone with Mal, Kirsty n Mark are going house sitting...:woohoo: at long last, been a while lol

Hope you've all had a great day, will probably have to catch up on diary's tomorrow xxxxxxxx
Menu for today:

Kiwi Fruit
Oats so simple (Hexb)
Milk (Part Hexa)
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Green Tea with Raspberry and Blackberry

Large Bowl Minestrone Soup (Carrots, Celery, Onions, Garlic, Pasta, Tomatoes, Cannellini Beans, Chick Peas, Stock and Herbs n Spices and Smoked Ham)
Water 1 pint

Chicken Stir Fry 7 syns (Cabbage, Peppers, Bean Shoots, Onions, Mushrooms, Carrots, Sweetcorn)(made with a large amount of sesame oil :eek:)
Brown Rice
Sweet and Sour Sauce 3 syns
Mixed Fruit Salad (Apple, pears, blueberries, banana, kiwi, grapes)
Small squirt of low fat cream 0.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Yoghurts 1 syn
Milky Coffee (Part Hexa)

Total for the day = 13 syns
Total for the week (Day 5) = 64/105
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Hi Lily

Why was your chicken stir fry 3 syns ?

Hi Lily

Why was your chicken stir fry 3 syns ?


Because my daughter who cooked it unwittingly added sesame oil and quite a bit of it, 12 syns worth between 4 of us lol
She said she hadn't given it a thought and didn't realise there would be any syns in it lolxx
Lily42uk said:
Because my daughter who cooked it unwittingly added sesame oil and quite a bit of it, 12 syns worth between 4 of us lol
She said she hadn't given it a thought and didn't realise there would be any syns in it lolxx

Oh, had me worried as I usually think mine is free! I bet it was tasty though?
Oh, had me worried as I usually think mine is free! I bet it was tasty though?

Lol I usually have mine syn free too and only keep the sesame oil to go in my Hot and Sour Soup, but yes it was tasty.
I fear I will pay for all that oil later today or tomorrow as my tummy doesn't seem to agree with all that fat anymore :eek::D xxxx
Lol I usually have mine syn free too and only keep the sesame oil to go in my Hot and Sour Soup, but yes it was tasty.
I fear I will pay for all that oil later today or tomorrow as my tummy doesn't seem to agree with all that fat anymore :eek::D xxxx

I find that as well, I get a dicky tummy if I eat anything with too much fat in :eek:

Your menu for today looks amazing, glad your stir fry was tasty xx
Evening Lily :D

It should make it easier for Mal if he's noticing improvements by not smoking.

Kally wait for me. I want to sort the neighbour too :)

Sounds nice being woken by Prince Charming though ;)
I find that as well, I get a dicky tummy if I eat anything with too much fat in :eek:

Your menu for today looks amazing, glad your stir fry was tasty xx

Hi Emmy, I don't really eat any fat or use oils and when I do it's barely noticeable, so I aften suffer afterwards, but ti was tasty lol xxx

Evening Lily :D

It should make it easier for Mal if he's noticing improvements by not smoking.

Kally wait for me. I want to sort the neighbour too :)

Sounds nice being woken by Prince Charming though ;)

That's what i am hoping, that he'll like the benefits that he is noticing from not smoking :fingerscrossed:

Oh please do come sort her, cos I am so close to really losing it and she wouldn't like me when i lose it, believe me :eek:

It was lovely, when we were very young, he would never dream of not doing that first thing every morning, it's like turning back the clock :giggle: xxxx...let's hope it lasts :rolleyes::rolleyes: xxx
OMG Silly cow that I am I listened to kirsty with regards to how many syns were in the sesame oil, I always check first and knew I should have but thought oh she must of checked....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO she used 60mls that's 27 not 3 syns per portion at all it's nearly 7 syns :eek: :eek: :eek:, thank god I had the spare syns today phew lol go add them now :( xxx
Well we won't be seeing much of you tomorrow with all that oil wanting to come out :D

It's a good job I like porcelain isn't it :8855: :8855: xxxxxx
Aww, at least you had some saved so it's not the end of the world. Would have been worse if u didn't enjoy your meal x
I have a friend in Australia that sends me all kinds of wonderful sugar free jelly's and I just found these on the site that she told me to have a look at...they sound amazing and work out to 5 syns each and it makes a pint, now that's about 4 servings to me, so that's just over 1 syn a serving, says it's not a pudding or a mousse, looks like jelly and tastes like milkshake...sounds yum, just realised, I could have it as part of my hex as I don't use all my milk for my brekkie and usually have a milky coffee at night to use it up xxx

Aeroplane Jelly - Wobble
Aww, at least you had some saved so it's not the end of the world. Would have been worse if u didn't enjoy your meal x

Totally agree, but then I had spare syns over the week too, so wouldn't have been too bad there, just don't like using that much oil as it makes me ill lol xxx
Lily42uk said:
I have a friend in Australia that sends me all kinds of wonderful sugar free jelly's and I just found these on the site that she told me to have a look at...they sound amazing and work out to 5 syns each and it makes a pint, now that's about 4 servings to me, so that's just over 1 syn a serving, says it's not a pudding or a mousse, looks like jelly and tastes like milkshake...sounds yum, just realised, I could have it as part of my hex as I don't use all my milk for my brekkie and usually have a milky coffee at night to use it up xxx

Aeroplane Jelly - Wobble

:wavey: Hi lily, these look lush as well!

Just off to get myself a coffee then shall get myself comfy to read through your diary may take me a while lol xx
Thanks for popping in emma, they do look amazing, I can't wait to see if my friend can send me some, I know if she can she definitely will until then I will just :drool: lol

Anyway lovely people, sorry I didn't get to everyones diary today but I promise I'll catch up tomorrow, I am off to spend a little time with Mal before bed.

Nighty Night and sweet dreams all :zz: xxxxx:bighug:xxxxxx
4.21am and I am still wide awake, Trev's not working his magic tonight and he's not half as appealing when I'm not in bed with him :giggle:, so off I jolly well trot ;);)

For the 2nd time tonight, nighty night sweet dreams :zz: xxxxxx