fab positives my twin

RIP minestrone soup :cry:
:8855::8855: xx ty hun xx
Hi Lily - your diary and weight loss is a huge inspiration to me - not to mention your bum lol!!:jelous:

:giggle: thank you becky and :welcome: to my diary xx
Love the positives and your bum photo. xx
Lol thank you Jane :hug99: xxx
Oooh what soup? I made the sw minestrone and that was ok
My minestrone soup recipe , I think it's similar to SW one but mine is delish lol xxx
great positives Lily
we minimates are proud of you and your peachy bum
was the soup not salvageable ?
:giggle: thank you, I am a little
now, my bum being the topic of conversation isn't quite what I planned lol
And no I had to throw the whole pan it was completely b*ggered...:flamingmad:, Mark is always doing stuff like that, he puts his next days lunch in the oven and forgets about it till its burnt to a crisp...he always walks away, told him next time he cooks I am going to chain him to the cooker till he's finished lol xxx:hug99:xxx
And Lisa here is my Minestrone Soup Recipe, just for you :hug99: xxx
Minestrone Soup
6 sticks of Celery, chopped
4 large carrots, chopped
4 cloves of Garlic, crushed
1 large onion, diced
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp soy sauce
4 chicken stock cubes (I use Knorr)+
2 Veg stock cubes (again Knorr)made up into 4 pints of liquid
2 tins of chopped tomatoes
2 tins of cannellini beans
120g wholemeal pasta
8 slices of smoked ham or 8 rashers of smoked bacon, all fat removed and diced (best ham is the Polish Sopocka Ham from morrisons, makes it lovely and smokey tasting)
1 Tbsp Parsley
1 Tbsp Coriander
1 Tbsp Basil
1 Tbsp smoked paprika
Put veg, stock, herbs, Worcestershire sauce & soy sauce into a saucepan and bring to the boil, turn down and simmer until veg is soft, about 20 minutes.
Then add Ham (bacon), tomatoes, cannellini beans and pasta and cook for a further 10 minutes.
Serve alone or with crisp breads or bread .
This recipe makes a pot about the size I said on your diary of the 2 pots you had xxx