I have had the best laugh I have had in ages, Karma is a wonderful thing.
I received a text from my neighbours son (the nice neighbour) asking can I pop in cos his mum wanted to tell me something.
So I pop across and the 1st thing she asked me was had I reported my other neighbour (the one that's given me all the grief) for prostitution.....I'm not lying this is honest to god what was said to me....there is a petition going round our road trying to save a guy being evicted from the home he's lived in for 50+ years, because his parents died just before xmas, anyway, they knocked on her other neighbours door and she told them that my neighbour had received a visit from the council as they had got a report that the house was being used as a brothel and she said that my neighbour thought that I'd reported her...as I told my nice neighbour had I been the one that had reported her she would have known about it, same as I told her I was reporting her about the noise nuisance...well apparently she's s*it scared, we'll see...but what a hoot that someone else has reported her for that, I really laughed...but more importantly I wish I knew who had as I'd shake their hands lol...oh and apparently she told the council that she was renting her spare room, how has she got a spare room their's her, her 15 year old son and 9 year old daughter in a 3 bed house, plus why would she rent it she's on benefits and that would be illegal wouldn't it?? Plus who the heck was she renting it to cos there were different guys going in and out every day.
Another little bit of goss, is she has moved her boyfriend in wonder does the dss know ...I'm sure someone will tell them, but I can guarantee it won't be me, I won't need to, looks like someone else has it in for her anyway lol...what goes around comes around hahaha xxxxx