Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Morning lily! I hope you managed to get more than a few hours sleep and you haven't caught man flu of mal!

Have a lovely positive day today xx
Morning Lily x

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Morning Lily... Thank You for your lovely reply on my diary!!!

Pah!! To the gain Lily
I know you had been doing the guinea pig bit with the new version that SW has put out
How have you been finding it ?
And do you think the changes made might have indirectly upset the weight loss ?
( im on a pondering mood )
Have a lovely day
Lovely Lily x
Hello sweetness,
Its so lovely to see you raring to go again and its great that your consultant has been so helpful.My hubby sounds like Mal.Jonas will eat a packet of bikkies rather than have dinner and often only has flap jack or rubbish for brekkie and cake or sweets for lunch everynow and then I have a mardy strop at him and tell him that he needs to eat better for his health not weight and he starts eating the good food I take time in preparing for him lol
2012 is Our year Lily we can and will do this :)

Ps I think I may have to try your recipe
To be honest I was hoping for a gain for that exact reason. I've been faffing for the last few weeks, it's been terrible!

But the sas logs are awesome eh? makes me really think about what i'm nomming.

had magic porridge for breakfast/lunch (slept in) with lots of frozen fruit. about to have some actifry chips (care of my sw buddy) then going for a loooooooong walk to morrisons to get some sausages....get ready for my evening out then walk to a youth volunteering meeting (about 2 miles away) and head to my night out- as long as i stop sniffling! might get some vics at morrisons if its cheap!

anyhoo- im rambling again heehee.

you'll lose that gain for sure! i wanna lose 7lb in 2 weeks, im hoping with all this extra body magic i'm going to have a nice big loss this week!! day 2 of being a sw angel is half way over and the halo hasn't slipped ;)

have a great day :D xxx
Morning lily! I hope you managed to get more than a few hours sleep and you haven't caught man flu of mal!

Have a lovely positive day today xx

Hey sweetie, no not got the man flu...yet and I didn't sleep that well, had to keep getting up to use the loo, drinking water is bad for my healthy sleep :giggle:
Hope you're having a lovely positive day hun xxx:hug99:xxx

Morning Lily x

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Hi sweetie, how are you today? Good I hope :hug99: xxx

Morning Lily... Thank You for your lovely reply on my diary!!!


You are very welcome sweetie, not had a chance yet today to have a look through my recipes but I will later, I promise.
Hope you're having a lovely day and getting ready for your relaxing day tomorrow, well deserved may I add :hug99: xxx

Pah!! To the gain Lily
I know you had been doing the guinea pig bit with the new version that SW has put out
How have you been finding it ?
And do you think the changes made might have indirectly upset the weight loss ?
( im on a pondering mood )
Have a lovely day
Lovely Lily x

Hi sweetie, I only did the testing of the new plan for the week before they introduced no the gain was all down to my picking at biccies, but now all that carp is gone I am on day 2 of 100%..drinking more water, eating the right foods and exercising more and every day. It taught me a good lesson having the weight gain, won't be going there again
Hope you're having a lovely day sweetie :hug99: xxx

Morning hun :wavey:

Hope your 100% week is going well :D

Perfectly thank you sweetie, how's your day been? Good I hope :hug99: xxx

Hello sweetness,
Its so lovely to see you raring to go again and its great that your consultant has been so helpful.My hubby sounds like Mal.Jonas will eat a packet of bikkies rather than have dinner and often only has flap jack or rubbish for brekkie and cake or sweets for lunch everynow and then I have a mardy strop at him and tell him that he needs to eat better for his health not weight and he starts eating the good food I take time in preparing for him lol
2012 is Our year Lily we can and will do this :)

Ps I think I may have to try your recipe

Hey sweetie, don't think about the recipe...make it, it's so worth it lol
Men eh? I am always going off at Mal about his health and he just shrugs eats well for about 2 days and then goes back and then has the cheek to have a go at me for nagging :eek:
My C is definitely a woman in men's clothing :giggle: I really don't believe any man could be that fantastic and so understanding lol or if not a woman then as I said before God :giggle:
Hope you're having a fab day sweetie, any news on the job front?? xxx:hug99: xxx
and yes 2012 is definitely our year xxx
To be honest I was hoping for a gain for that exact reason. I've been faffing for the last few weeks, it's been terrible!

I wish I could faff and still lose half a pound :giggle:, but I know what you mean sweetie, we need to get back on it 100% and I am 2 days into it too xxx

But the sas logs are awesome eh? makes me really think about what i'm nomming.

Absolutely, the very reason I decided to fill them in this week xxx
had magic porridge for breakfast/lunch (slept in) with lots of frozen fruit. about to have some actifry chips (care of my sw buddy) then going for a loooooooong walk to morrisons to get some sausages....get ready for my evening out then walk to a youth volunteering meeting (about 2 miles away) and head to my night out- as long as i stop sniffling! might get some vics at morrisons if its cheap!

anyhoo- im rambling again heehee.

you'll lose that gain for sure! i wanna lose 7lb in 2 weeks, im hoping with all this extra body magic i'm going to have a nice big loss this week!! day 2 of being a sw angel is half way over and the halo hasn't slipped ;)

have a great day :D xxx

You'll do that 7lb hun, I know you will and don't worry about rambling I love ramblers, am one myself :giggle:
We will both have big losses hun, I can feel it in my old bones :hug99: xxxx

Are you a great auntie yet? Did I miss that bit when I didn't bother reading everything yesterday?

No news yet, so I am guessing that's a no then, cos I know for a fact my nephew would have been on the phone by now if he were a daddy and it would be all over facebook too lol
Hope you're having a great day hun :hug99: xxxx

Be back shortly with my positives and menu for today xxx
Positives Thursday 19th January 2012

1) Even though I was up and down to the loo all night, I had a good-ish sleep and woke feeling very positive again
2) Am on day 2 of 100% and not a wobble in sight
3) Have done 2 hours exercise and will be doing another hour at least
4) Food is amazing, god knows why I ate all the fat filled carp over Christmas this definitely tastes nicer and I don't wake with a horrible taste in my mouth.
5) Really looking forward to dinner tonight (another new recipe)
6) I have the best family in the world (real and my mini family ) xxx
Menu Thursday 19th January 2012

2 x Kiwi
Oats so simple Hexb
175ml skimmed milk 2.5 syns
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid morning:
Green Tea with raspberry and blackberry
Hi fi bar 3 syns

Pasta Quiche 1.5 syns
Pickled Onions
Pickled Beetroot
1 tablespoon Extra Light Mayo 0.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid afternoon:
Fruit Salad
Yoghurt 0.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Stuffed butternut squash gratin ( Extra lean mince, BNS, garlic, lemon, courgette, red pepper, onions, tomatoes, breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese) Hexa + 1 syn
Roast Potatoes
Gravy 3 syns
Jelly 0.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Fruit throughout the day
Mullerlight fat free yoghurt

Done 2 hours exercise and drank 2 pints water did another 2 hours and drank a further 2 pints of water

Syns for today = 14 syns
Syns for the week (day 3) = 32.5/105
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Lovin the positives as usual. Had a look at the all in one book in class remember thinking the gratin looked good.

I'm going to have to get the book for sure. Too many nice things in it.

Great you're doing the 100% again. When everyone else is good I somehow find it easier to be good myself. :confused:

Hey hun, the all in one book is amazing, I love the recipes and have tried quite a few, all yum so far.
Good to hear you're back on track too...I don't know why I go off the rails as I love being on plan so much more xx:hug99:xx

sounding really positive there lily :D

and i can see a big loss coming on:D:D

hope you have had a good day, my second 100% day too, we will get there :D

Hi sweetie, I really do feel more positive and I am determined to have a huge loss this week...I have set myself a goal of not putting on until at least my birthday at the end of May...the meds for my psoriasis seem to be working ok, and I usually only gain when they are out of here goes lol
Well done on your 2nd 100% day too...first time in ages I have felt this full and satisfied and still eaten a lot less than I had been eating, even the fruit, long may it last xxx:hug99:xxx

fantastic positives as always my lovely lovely friend :D dinner looks interesting let me know what its like ? you try and test it then I'll make it :giggle: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi sweetie ....OMG dinner was amazing, Mark cooked it, so he made his special savoury mince and veg, and then made up some lemon juice herbs and chilli, cut the BNS into 4 pieces (removed seeds) and scored it then coated it in the juice herbs etc and baked in the oven for 40 mins along with a few roast was scrummy and so filling, a lot like a stuffed marrow...but nicer lol xxx:hug99:xxx
I have had the best laugh I have had in ages, Karma is a wonderful thing.
I received a text from my neighbours son (the nice neighbour) asking can I pop in cos his mum wanted to tell me something.
So I pop across and the 1st thing she asked me was had I reported my other neighbour (the one that's given me all the grief) for prostitution.....I'm not lying this is honest to god what was said to me....there is a petition going round our road trying to save a guy being evicted from the home he's lived in for 50+ years, because his parents died just before xmas, anyway, they knocked on her other neighbours door and she told them that my neighbour had received a visit from the council as they had got a report that the house was being used as a brothel and she said that my neighbour thought that I'd reported I told my nice neighbour had I been the one that had reported her she would have known about it, same as I told her I was reporting her about the noise nuisance...well apparently she's s*it scared, we'll see...but what a hoot that someone else has reported her for that, I really laughed...but more importantly I wish I knew who had as I'd shake their hands lol...oh and apparently she told the council that she was renting her spare room, how has she got a spare room their's her, her 15 year old son and 9 year old daughter in a 3 bed house, plus why would she rent it she's on benefits and that would be illegal wouldn't it?? Plus who the heck was she renting it to cos there were different guys going in and out every day.
Another little bit of goss, is she has moved her boyfriend in wonder does the dss know ...I'm sure someone will tell them, but I can guarantee it won't be me, I won't need to, looks like someone else has it in for her anyway lol...what goes around comes around hahaha xxxxx