Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

I'm so glad you're feeling better.

Glad the scales are better behaved this morning, :rolleyes: It was all due to the time bomb. It can come as such a relief when the ticking stops and the "explosion" happens. :eek:

Continue to look after yourself and don't do too much. Break yourself back in gently.:D

I'm on holiday tomorrow and unless I get t'internet fixed I'll be off air for 3 whole days. :eek: How will I cope.:D
awwww, I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better hun :D

and very chuffed that the scales are being nice and kind to you xx
Thanks everyone,just wish Kirsty and Mark had been as kind as the scales :mad:, you should see the mountain of washing they have left for me not only to wash but to fold. It's just taken me 40 minutes to fold this lot and I have as much to do again.
I bought seperate tubs, 1 for them, 1 for me and mal and one for towels and flannels. It's easier to leave them in the rooms until they are full and then transport it upstairs after it's been done, well just filled mine and mals and the towel and flannel basket and 3 times filled theirs and that's only since Sunday :eek: It's a joke and more of a joke that they left it for me to do as it's my "chore" on the rota that I had to draw up cos they wouldn't do anything otherwise...I am quite angry about that cos every other weekend when they spend it out shopping or at Mark's parents, we do their chores and yet I am sick and still have to do mine too, I think I'll have to have a word tonight :flamingmad: xx
Positives for Thursday 9th February 2012

1) Woke up feeling a lot better than I have the last few days and hungry too.
2) I have sorted my house out, you'd think I'd been ill for a month lol...and tonight I will sort them out too (Kirsty & Mark)
3) Mal just cooked me a lovely was very yummy and I ate it all...first time in a few days I was that hungry lol
4) I didn't gain all that weight it was a false weight and I have even lost weight, but won't count it until wi next week.
5) I am glad to be back and looking forward to catch up with my mini friends :hug99: xx
6) I have the best family in the world, (even with their obvious faults) real and mini's family too xxxx
Menu Thursaday 9th February 2012

2 x Wholemeal Bread Hexb
Marg 1 syn
Baked Beans
Coffee 1.5 syns
Water 1 pint

Mid Morning:
Cup of Tea 1 syn

Fritatta (3xEggs, Sprouts, Cabbage, Celery, Tomatoes, Onion, Peppers, Mushrooms, Garlic)
Water 1 pint

Mid Afternoon:
Green Tea with blackberry and raspberry

Pork Loin Chop
Roast Potatoes
Runner Beans
Gravy 2 syns
Water 1 pint

Banoffee Pie (2 x weetabix 6 syns, Fat Free vanilla yoghurt & Banana)
Milky Options Hexa + 2 syns
Water x 2 pints

Total Syns for the day = 13.5
Glad your feeling better lily but oh not nice you have all the washing etc to do ,

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I can't believe they didn't do the washing and left it for you :-(

Glad you're feeling better though xxx :bighug:

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The scales are fibbing so don't pay any attention :)

This is true. As you have found out Lily scales are notorious is a known fact !!:D

Glad to see you up and about and feeling better again.
Oooh I'd go nuts about the housework lol. Glad you're feeling better :)
:wavey:Morning Lily:wavey:

Shame on them not doing the laundry!....Mind you, my tribe would do the same!....Hubby said to me the other day, that there were some really muddy trousers in the washing machine, after he played golf, I said did you put them on to wash, he said, I don't know how to work the new washing machine!....New washing machine?....It is five years old!:eek:
Morning Lily :D

Coming in for Friday hugs

Lily I could be at deaths door
and Steve still wouldn't pick up so
much as a hoover.....
mind you unlike Mal who looked after
you in other ways I wouldn't even
get a cuppa unless I made it meself :giggle:

Fantastic news about the false weight. Thought that must be what it was. Amazing what a difference a darn good poo or two can do :giggle: ! Get Kirsty and Mal to do their own washing! You should be recuperating! :bighug: xxx
I'd let them run out of clean clothes before do their flipping washing! lol I really would. I'm so happy I'm divorced! :8855:
I'd let them run out of clean clothes before do their flipping washing! lol I really would. I'm so happy I'm divorced! :8855:

:8855: oooo will try that I thinks :8855:

Lily for their sheer unthoughfulness I would make the washing their chore from now on :D

:bighug: hope my lovely twin who keeps me sane is feeling better today :bighug: