Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Well done Lily x

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Well done on the loss hun. :D Must be all that gardening. :D

Well done lily xx

Well done Lily x

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Thank you ladies, I think you could be right Patsy, I have been out there every second it hasn't rained lol....Garden is getting there and have planted lots of lovely herbs and veg in pots, can't wait to see how they come along.
Well bed time for me ladies, need my beauty sleep...another reason I need 48+ hours a day :giggle:

Nighty Night :zz: sweet dreams xxxxx
Just popped in to say hello Lily and thanks for never deserting me !!!

Congrats on the weight loss.
Hi Lily, congrats on the loss and it has to be all the gardening that has done the trick :):)
:woohoo: well done my lovely twin :woohoo: how fab is that? sorry to hear you have had to up the steroids though :( :bighug: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello lovely, thank you I am over the moon and really back into this weight loss business :giggle:, I am having a really good time right now and am dead chuffed with myself. The steroids will almost definitely always be a part of my life, so I guess this will be the way my life will go and downs with my weight but I'll get there eventually :hug99: xxx

Just popped in to say hello Lily and thanks for never deserting me !!!

Congrats on the weight loss.
Hello lovely Sue, aww bless you hun, just wish I could be here more often, but just sooooo much going on right now, which really makes me laugh cos 6 months ago I was bored sh*tless cos I had nothing to do lol .
Hope you're keeping well hun :hug99: xxx

Fantastic news lily :)

Thank you sweetie :hug99: xxx

Hi Lily, congrats on the loss and it has to be all the gardening that has done the trick :):)

Hello lovely, thank you...the gardening has had more of an effect on me than you think :eek:...I ended up going to A&E yesterday while I was at the hospital as I have been in agony for about a week now, thought I had actually damaged my hip, but it turns out after an X-ray and hours sitting waiting (why are hospital seats the most uncomfortable seats anywhere), that I have actually inflammed my lower back and I am on painkillers and ibuprofen....which is a bummer as I had a heavy schedule of exercise planned for the next 2 I have resorted to doing weights while sitting and exercising anyway I can without making my back any worse...could only happen to me eh? lol :hug99: xxx

Well done Lily all sounding good with you
And good luck for the 10lb ;)

Thanks hun, I am still not giving up with the 10lb that's still my aim, with or without my exercise schedule :fingerscrossed: xxx:hug99: xxx

Hope you're having a good day lovely Lily :D

Thanks hun, other than rattling I have had a really good day thank you :hug99: xxxx
Oh no Lily, Please be careful, I hope your not in too much pain, relax and take it easy :bighug:
So hello my lovelies, I had such long days yesterday and today, hospital and more hospital lol.

Went for my check up with my Dermatologist yesterday, we are both happy with how things are going, looks like we have found the dose of steroid tablets that suit me and my skin, while I had a flare up last week, there were 2 good factors in it, the first was that it wasn't as fierce as it would normally be and the second is that other than 1 little one there were no actual pustules in this flare up..normally there would be anywhere from 20-50 as a rule, so that is real progress and we have decided for now to leave the medication as it is with me increasing the dose for a week should I have future flare ups, which I am chuffed to bits with, my hands and feet haven't been this settled (touch wood) for about 8 years now so :woohoo:
While I was there I got the Dermatologist to look at the spots on my face and neck (remember I put the pictures up), I assumed they were an allergy, seems I am wrong, I am in fact a confirmed teenager's Acne, I never had a single spot or blemish on my face when I was growing up, like my mother I had perfect peaches and cream skin, my dermatologist seems to think it may have been brought about by me accidentally getting some of my steroid cream on my face possibly while I was asleep and has consequently put me on a 6 week course of antibiotics called Tetralysal 300mg, never heard of them before :hmm:
So with my tablets for my cholesterol, my simvastatins, my diabetes tablets (2 different ones, Metformin and Glyclazide), my painkillers and ibuprofen for my back, my steroids for my hands and feet and the ointment too, I am now on antibiotics for bloody acne of all things ....:giggle:, so you see I now rattle when I walk lol
But the good news is I have found the most glorious face cream and soap, I don't use soap on my face as it brings me up in rashes, but I do use it elsewhere...I found this soap and cream by fluke and they are amazing...and for a good cream and soap they are also very cheap, if you suffer with any dry skin or the likes these are worth a try.
The soap is Ayuuri Natural Neem Soap 100g @ £1.36 a bar and the cream is Ayuuri Natural Neem Face Cream 200g @ £4.07 both of which are on special in Tesco right now....I wouldn't normally put that on here but I am really impressed with these and think others that may have any skin problems like me, could benefit from using these.

So lovelies, I am going to have a little mooch about and then I am off to my nighty night lovelies and sweet dreams :zz: xxxx
I hope your not over doing the exercise while you have a bad back lily :eek: you need to rest it to allow the inflammation to settle down xx

love the idea of you rattling, but trust me i have seen pts with many more tablets than you listed :giggle:

acne, you teenager you :p i had my first spot in years this week :eek: horrible things xx

hope you have a restful night xxxx
Thank sweetie, yeah I am being a good girl, I am sitting and just doing weights, just so I don't overdo it, I have noticed even just today and yesterday that resting and taking the Ibuprofen has helped with the pain, I really thought I had damaged my hip and to be honest I was relieved to hear it was my back.

I know there are loads of people out there on a lot more meds than me, I just seem to be adding to them all the time though lol

I am chuffed to bits it's acne and not an allergy, I told my granddaughter yesterday that when she starts rebelling and staying out past her curfew I am going to do the same, after all what's the point of being a teenager if you can't do those things and I never got the chance to do them first time round, same as I never had the spots first time either lol....I am loving it :8855: :8855: xxxx
:Bighug: huggles my lovely twin. You be careful with your back, mines only just got better and still get the odd twinge :( pain in de bum it is :giggle: I did find short bursts of walking helped mine heal. Sounds odd but my oesteopath used to always say it would as our bodies are made for walking.

Good news on the acne :giggle: sounds funny telling somehow how fab it is that they have spots doesn't it :eek: :giggle: I read of lots of people that didn't get them as teenagers getting them later on so being your twin and all that that means same with happen to me :)

My VIP visitor is coming next Friday Lily. I am terribly nervous but very excited :D
Well done on your loss Lily :D

Hope your back starts easing up, back pain can be absolutely horrendous :bighug: