Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Well done on your loss Lily going great guns you are
sorry to hear your back is playing you up nothing worst
than lower back pain
I have the same thing that flares up every time I over exert
myself so you are gonna have to start pacing yourself from
now on my lovely ....
afternoon lily hope your back is not giving you too much trouble :)

Hello lovelies, unfortunately my back is always going to hurt, due to my accident and now the spine crumbling too, but most of the time it is bareable, this is not so bareable, although the painkillers and Ibuprofen are doing their magic right's to them continuing, I don't have time to sit and do nothing, too much to do.
Today I have been at my sisters, just got back and was there from 9am, I am shattered, spent the entire day cooking...I made huge pots of Chilli, Fish Pie's, Shepherd's Pies and Spicy Chicken Rissoto, there is enough food there to feed a small army, so my niece and nephew won't go hungry while my sister is on her hols, she should be just about to touch down in Portugal, she's on her hols as from today and is back next Satrurday, so next friday I am going to make sure all the beds are freshly made ready for her return and cook some more food to put in the freezer for her.
I am struggling to stay awake, but am out the door again in about 10 mins, off to have our weekly Friday night cards night at Kelly's
Hope you've all had a great day and I will catch you all tomorrow ....take care and TTFN :hug99: xxxx
Morning Lily x

I bet you slept well!

Have a great Saturday :)

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Hello lovelies, I can't believe it's nearly 9.30pm on Saturday night, where the heck has the week gone and here sits me with my eyes being held open with matchsticks.....Lisa no I actually didn't sleep that well, I was up and down to the loo about 10 times in the night lol...the joys of upping my water eh?

Well we finally managed to get the foundations laid for the new shed to go on, and I have to say, between the lot of jus we have made a bloody good job of it all, now just the rest of the garden to sort out and now we can order the shed too...that means everything that we have now boxed up in the back bedroom can finally begin going into the shed as soon as it arrives, it should take about 2-3 weeks for delivery, got a bit of a reprieve from hard graft for a change :giggle:
Then when that's all sorted we can finally get to work on the nursery, can't wait for that but then that also means all the bedrooms need extra work cos right now the nursery is full of books, a computer and numerous other odds and ends that will have to have a new home and not having a loft is, right now, a pain in the butt, so I reckon about 3-5 more weeks of this hard graft and we should be sorted. Thank god!!!
I hope you're all having/had a good day....I am now off to bed as I have yet another busy day ahead it's my best friends Birthday so I will be skyping Australia most of the day lol
Have a good evening everyone and hopefully it won't be too long now before I can get back on here and spend some quality time catching up .

Nighty night all and sweet dreams xxx:hug99: xxxx
Hello lovelies, no I didn't have a good nights sleep :cry: I was actually awake most of the night in agony...went to another hospital today, had another x-ray...first hospital we went to was because it was convenient, I was there for another appointment, but would not have been my hospital of may have heard of it was in the news a few years ago when their clinical trials went badly wrong....Northwick Park, so after being told to take Ibuprofen and painkillers, now I'm not the kind of person that just goes to the hospital or doctors for no reason, I have to be in agony and I was ....Northwick Park told me I had injured my lower back and to take co-dydramol 10/500mg and Ibuprofen 200mg and that in a few days maybe a week or so it would be ok.
I went to Watford General today and was told it wasn't my lower back at all, they reckon I have Ischeal Bursitis (sp?)...I can't stand or sit too long, it's driving me mad like a really really bad toothache in my butt and hip and they have given me Co-Codamol 30/500....great painkillers, I feel really spaced out ...they want me to see my doctor in 4 weeks if there is no improvment.
Im am gutted, Northwick Park never told me not to exercise or anything, in fact I felt like I was being a nuisance to them, how different that was at Watford...
I have to see a physiotherapist and we will be doing stretching exercises apparently.
I have a cushion I am sitting on but it's not helping much, I am going to look into buying a doughnut cushion see if that helps.....but right now I don't know what to do with myself, feel a little down in the dumps that everytime I seem to get back on track something comes along to stop me....I might not be able to exercise right now but I will eat properly and keep my fingers crossed.
I hope to be back later on this evening, but just had something to eat and took 2 of the painkillers and they are making me feel I am going to see if I can lay down for a while.
Have a nice day everyone xxx
Oh no Lily x

That's awful :(

I hope it feels better soon :bighug:

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