Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Well I had a lovely dinner and we then sat in the garden ..well I did after I did my hour on the wii....I was good and took it gently played tennis rather than doing the zumba or just dance or any of the more energetic exercise, not yet, but boy did I sweat, I love the summer lol
I decided yesterday to cut down on my portion sizes as I feel I eat rather big meals at today I had some gorgeous berries and yoghurt for brekkie, a lovely salad with Tuna for lunch and a jacket potato and chilli with salad for tea, and have snacked on a banana, 2 satsumas and an apple.
I was suitably full, but am a little peckish now and I have realised I didn't have my hex's, now I know I can have an options with my milk or a couple of babybel for my hexa but I don't know what to have for a b :hmm:
So I am off to see what I can have that's not too heavy, and I will say night night, I am shopping at Bookers in the morning, but hope to pop in by lunchtime.

Sweet dreams everyone :zz: xxxx:bighug:xxxx
Morning Lily x

I love reading your posts but don't always comment. I really love your attitude yesterday though :)

Hope you found a nice HEB to have last night :D

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Hello lovelies, why is it that the day you have planned never works out the way you planned it lol
I woke early after just 4 hours sleep and decided to relax and read my book, so there I was at 6.30am, feet up, book in hand and reading to my hearts delight, then at 8.20am my phone rings justv as I am running my bath to get ready to do the shopping and then relax for the rest of the day...some joke that was ...relax was Kelly, my niece was at her house, my sister her mum is in portugal on holiday and Kelly is panicing, Lauren (my niece) has just crashed her car just up the road from Kelly while on her way to take an important exam (she is studying law) and Kelly says Lauren is in shock and Kelly doesn't know what to do, so I have to go over, so I have the quickest bath and get dressed and am at Kelly's by 8.50am lol , thank god she only lives 5 minutes from me.
Lauren was shaken and sobbing her heart out, the car is a write off (according to my son in law the RAC man ), she only got it for xmas just gone, she is fine but is badly shaken so we pack her in the car, against her will, and take her to the A&E, she has whiplash and a few minor straining injury's caused by the seatbelt, unfortunately the hospital A&E is never fast so we never got back till nearly 1pm, we promptly had lunch and then Mal ordered my birthday pressies, which arrive tomorrow....I am really spoilt and I don't mind admitting it lol...I am getting a Sony Ericsson Experian Mobile phone, about time I got with the latest mobiles, my one is like a brick lol and I am also getting a New Laptop :woohoo: the Toshiba Satellite Pro C660, I am chuffed cos he does listen occasionally, the good news is they both arrive tomorrow ....and Mal says I can have them straight away lol, so because they are coming tomorrow, the house cleaning I was going to do for my sisters return tomorrow, I did today, just got back about an hour ago and had my dinner, so now I am free to wait for my new phone and lappy tomorrow *excited*
Mal and Kelly are going to bookers to do the shopping and Mark and Kirsty are going Saturday to get the food for my birthday BBQ on Sunday, decided to have it then so it's almost guaranteed to be warm and dry lol

Oh and tomorrow is Kirsty and Mark's 6 year anniversary and also the day they go to the hospital to have her 13 week dating scan, can't wait to see the scan pics , will make this new grand child seem real at last lol.

So lovelies I am off to do my exercise while the house is quiet (they've all popped out for a beer and I'm too knackered lol) and I will be back after I have done that and had a lovely cool shower, cya soon :hug99: xxxxxxxxxx
What a day! Lily to the rescue :)

So will you be downloading the minimins app on your new modern phone??? ;)

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Oh Lily- there is always sometihng going on isnt there. bless you.. I know your niece is okay x

Hey sweetie, yeah Lauren is fine ...I rang her a while ago to check, she is staying at her boyfriends house and his Mum is taking care of her till her Mum gets back on Saturday....she is a very lucky girl, she was off work sick last week with flu for 4 days and now this and she has only been working for 3 weeks, but her boss was so sweet and kind to her, she was so worried she might lose the job but he reassured her she would be fine, they love her and don't want to lose her and on top of that the hours fit beautifully round her college work...funnily enough she works in one of the no win no fee accident claim firms....and we did laugh told her to ring her own office and put in a claim lol xxx

What a day! Lily to the rescue :)

So will you be downloading the minimins app on your new modern phone??? ;)

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Lily to the rescue :giggle:, all I did was give her a cuddle, some sweet tea and a trip to the hospital, same as her mum would have done lol

Oh yes I had forgotten I can now do clever stuff like downloading the app....I don't have a clue how it works, these new phones are a bit technical for me lol, but I'm sure Kelly or Kirsty or even Kelsi or Kia will show me how :fingerscrossed:

Well once again I am going to bed as I am shattered and have to be up early in the morning, but I should, barring any major mishaps, be here tomorrow and will definitely catch up with how you have all been.

Take care all and sweet dreams :zz:....luv ya all xxx:hug99:xxx
I'm glad Lauren is ok :bighug:

Can I just say something? Every single day Lily you absolutely inspire me with your whole attitude and approach to sw. In the short time I've known you since joining in January you have been a complete and utter star, supporting everyone when you've had things thrown at you too, and you've always tried your hardest, and that's what inspires me the most, that when faced with difficult times you still give it your all. You're an amazing woman Lily, never, ever forget it :bighug:
Gosh, Lily, that was a busy day!

Glad that Lauren is o.k. xxx

How will she fair about the missed Law exam?
Just popping in Lovely L. Hugs for you and Lauren :bighug: :bighug: xxxxxx
Glad Lauren is OK. Enjoy your new toys tomorrow. :D

Hello lovely, I am so excited, I keep tracking them every second I get lol, they were at my local depot 8 miles away at 4.20 this morning, :woohoo: just a case of when they arrive, I think delivery men are creatures of habit, my catalogue man always arrives here about 3.30pm, my milkman 4.30am, my postman 11am and Parcelforce (they are delivering my new toys) usually around 2, so I am cleaning to trying and contain my excitement lol xxx have a good day sweetie :hug99:xxxx

I'm glad Lauren is ok :bighug:

Can I just say something? Every single day Lily you absolutely inspire me with your whole attitude and approach to sw. In the short time I've known you since joining in January you have been a complete and utter star, supporting everyone when you've had things thrown at you too, and you've always tried your hardest, and that's what inspires me the most, that when faced with difficult times you still give it your all. You're an amazing woman Lily, never, ever forget it :bighug:
Aww Emmy what a lovely thing to say, that wasn't always the case sweetie, but I did waste so many years being a one woman mountain and at 31 and a half st that's exactly what I was, and I really don't want anyone to go through what I have and also waste their lives like I did, but you know what I am only 54 (well nearly lol) and I have a lot of life to live yet, so I am not going to give up no matter what is thrown at me. The day I joined SW I swore if it took me 10 years to lose it I was going to stick with it and that is one promise I am going to keep, although I am hoping that 10 years will actually be no more than 3 at the most lol
Have a lovely day sweetie :hug99: xxxx
Gosh, Lily, that was a busy day!

Glad that Lauren is o.k. xxx

How will she fair about the missed Law exam?
Hello sweetie, thank you, I have rung Lauren this morning and she is aching like a biatch (her words not mine lol) but she is ok thank god.
She rang her college and they have been great told her not to worry as long as she has a doctors note or hospital note, which she has, she can do the resit in a few weeks time, which is such a relief, we didn't want her to have to redo the whole year and delay her going to uni in Sept-Oct...not sure when they start the new terms at Uni lol
Have a lovely day hun :hug99:xxx

Good to hear that Lauren is okay Lily
Have a fab Friday chook
Thank you sweetie, she is fine
Have a good day too hunni :hug99:xxx

Just popping in Lovely L. Hugs for you and Lauren :bighug: :bighug: xxxxxx

Thank you sweetie :hug99: for you too xxx:bighug:xxx
Well hello lovelies, hope you're all enjoying this gorgeous weather....well so much for me being on here all day and relaxing lol, I got up this morning full of beans and have so far cleaned from top to bottom and am in the process of cleaning my oven and scrubbing windows and floors hope I'm not pregnant :giggle: actually scrub that, hope I am pregnant, I will be a very rich lady, I haven't got anything to have a baby with, neither had Mal :8855:
Anyways Kirsty had her scan this morning, her and Mark were so excited when they got home with the scan pictures which were £3.50 each :eek: that's astronomical, anyway they bough pictures for everyone, Me and Mal, Kelly and Simon and kids, Mark's mum dad and brothers, My sister, brother and a few aunts and uncles, bless them, it is a little blurred but you can clearly make out the head and a hand that they said was moving like it was waving lol, they said baby was so active the lady scanning them kept putting her head to kirsty's tummy and saying to baby can you hold still for a minute lol, I immediately said to Kirsty, it's a girl, that's exactly how Kelly was, even on the delivery table, (in those days you had babies in theatre not in a room like I did with kirsty) an hour before she was born Kelly was lying breach and then finally turned, all the movement was making me so ill, and her daughter Kia was exactly the same I'd lay money on it that it's a girl ...Mark still swears it's a boy...we'll see lol. Now as much as I love and adore Kelly and Kia, I have never met 2 more headstrong people in my life, so :fingerscrossed: this baby isn't quite as headstrong lol
Anyways I must continue with my cleaning and then have lunch, I fancy a lovely tuna salad yummy yum yum, catch you all laters :hug99: xxx

Oh and enjoy the sun while we have it lol xxxx
P.S. I will be scanning the scan later and may just put it up lol xxx
Looking forward to seeing the scan Lily, although if I am on honest, I can rarely make head nor tail of them :eek:

Good news that Lauren can resit her exam xx
Enjoy your lunch I can picture you prowling near the door waiting to pounce on the Parcelforce guy when he arrives. :D

How well you know me for someone that's never met me ...yet :giggle: you are spot on, between prowling by the door, cleaning the oven and then checking my tracker every 5 minutes, I am getting excited, did just have an email saying that my Laptop has been delayed and will be here either tomorrow or Monday...boohoo, this lappy is on it's last legs I was hoping to be using my new one later tonight, oh well I guess I can wait ....NOT :8855: I am such a kid when it comes to pressies lol, can't even face my lunch right now, way too excited lol xxx:hug99: xxx

Looking forward to seeing the scan Lily, although if I am on honest, I can rarely make head nor tail of them :eek:

Good news that Lauren can resit her exam xx

You know what I am usually the same but this one even though it is a little blurred, you can make out the head and just above the shape of a little hand sticking up, awwww that's my lickle Aimee there lol or Harry maybe, they have ditched Tommy and settled on Harry for now lol xxx

It's great news about Lauren's exam, that's almost definitely why the accident happened, Lauren has claimed full responsibility, said she lost concentration cos she was thinking about the exam, thank god the crash wasn't worse, the passengers in the other care were fine other than being shaken up, Lauren and her passenger both suffered whiplash and strain injuries...oh well these things happen I suppose. It's really weird cos Kirsty and Mark had a car crash in Southend last Sept and they were shunted quite badly, they were 3rd in line when stopped at roadworks, when a car ploughed into a line of cars doing 50+ miles an hour even though there were clear signs that they should keep their speed down to no more than 20 on that particular stretch anyway, they both had physiotherapy for whiplash, Kirsty completed hers on Monday and Mark completed his yesterday the day Lauren got hers ...the local physio will be rubbing his hands here comes another of that family :giggle: xxx