Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

before I upload the picture of the scan of my new grandbaby, I had to just show you the picture i just received of my beautiful gorgeous great niece Miss Lyla May Limerick, awwwww so scrummy I could eat her lol xxx
And here is my new grandbaby, meet Aimee or is it Harry???? lol xxx
Now that is a proper little girls outfit!
Good timing for me to pop by and say hi.

Lyla is adorable!
I want her summer dress for me!
Think I could squeeze in? Haha

And amazing scan picture.
Cause I'm doing all of this to clear my pcos and hopefully have a baby too someday it makes me tear up when I see a scan picture.
So excited for you!

Funny. My favourite baby names are Lila and Harry!
Hahaha :D

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Good timing for me to pop by and say hi.

Lyla is adorable!
I want her summer dress for me!
Think I could squeeze in? Haha

And amazing scan picture.
Cause I'm doing all of this to clear my pcos and hopefully have a baby too someday it makes me tear up when I see a scan picture.
So excited for you!

Funny. My favourite baby names are Lila and Harry!
Hahaha :D

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Hello lovely Addi, good to see you here and welcome back :hug99: to my diary that is lol
Lyla is the cutest baby she has a real personality and it shines through in her pictures lol, and yeah I am sure you'll fit in her dress the way you keep on with the weight loss and I know you can overcome the PCOS, I did (hence the reason I had an oopherectomy, years later, my choice though)I had hundreds and I mean hundreds of cyst on my ovaries and still managed to have 3 pregnancies, lost one and had the other two 9.5 years apart, but it's all good cos the girls got lots of individual attention that way .
The scan picture is so amazingly clear all be it that when you actually look at it it's a little blurry, but can still make out clearly bubs features and yes we are all very excited lol
I love both those names too and Aimee which is what peanut will be called if it's a girl
Hope you're enjoying the sun have a lovely day sweetie :hug99: xxx
I totally missed Lyla in her dress, she looks so cute :D

Isn't she just, I will be putting a pic up later of her playing at her baby group in a ball pool, she looks so contented lol
Have a lovely day sweetie :hug99:xxxx

Lyla looks fab!

And the little peanut too ;)

I totally agree they are both gorgeous even if peanut is still just a peanut :giggle:
Have a lovely day sweetie :hug99:xxx

Afternoon lovely Lily. Are you still playing with your new toy. Hope the lappy toy comes today too, :D

Hello lovely Patsy, no hun I haven't really had time, we are having my birthday bbq tomorrow and all hands are currently on deck, and yes my lappy did arrive this morning, can't wait to get it up and running but I won't have time now till tonight or even tomorrow night. Just taking a 5 minute break to have some lunch seeing as I forgot brekkie in the rush to go shopping this morning lol
Well must dash as I am being nagged again...jeez no peace for the wicked then lol

Love ya all and I will be back very soon I promise, now everything is coming together I should get some more time for me soon
Have a lovely day all and enjoy the sun while we have it lol, love ya all :hug99: xxxxxxxxxx
Hahahaha, she just looks like she's having so much fun, love her xxx
Hi Lily, just saying hello after being away for a week and i must say that its taken me a while to catch up :giggle:. Photos of Lyla are lovely and the scan pic looks very clear :) You are sounding very upbeat too after your earlier problems and your hospital visits :):)
Hi Lily, just saying hello after being away for a week and i must say that its taken me a while to catch up :giggle:. Photos of Lyla are lovely and the scan pic looks very clear :) You are sounding very upbeat too after your earlier problems and your hospital visits :):)

Welcome home Dawnie, Lyla is so cute and so alert too, what happened to babies being babies for at least 6 months eh?lol

Peanut is looking great, can't wait to see the 4D scan in a couple of months time.

I am feeling very upbeat and on track again now hunni xxx:hug99:xxx

Hello lovelies, just a quick visit as I am preparing for my Birthday bbq today ...have caught up on a few diaries and hope to have time later to catch up on a few more.

Hope you all have a lovely sunny Sunday, take care in that sun and cya all later :hug99: xxxxx
before I upload the picture of the scan of my new grandbaby, I had to just show you the picture i just received of my beautiful gorgeous great niece Miss Lyla May Limerick, awwwww so scrummy I could eat her lol xxx

Don't eat her Lily............she's synfully bootiful :D

And here is my new grandbaby, meet Aimee or is it Harry???? lol xxx

Oh I can actually see a baby!! :D I never usually can! lol

Hope you're having a lovely day Lily :) x
Hello lovelies I had a fabulous birthday bbq, my actual birthday is going to be such a let down in comparison lol, we had such a laugh reminiscing and of course my sister was doing the leading and was setting the questions to be asked, like what was the worst thing you ever did to a sibling....:hmm: not sure i should say here :giggle: and what was your most embarrassing moment :eek: .... and the one I am most embaressed about, what was the worst thing you ever did to someone you disliked :8855: definitely not telling that one even if I was only 10 at the time I did it hahaha

Well I am off to Kelly's in a mo, she just got back from hospital and she has to have another 2 ops to stabilize her shoulders, (she had her first Grand Mal epileptic fit 3 years ago on Christmas Day, until then she had had had just Petit Mal which meant no actual on the floor fits), she has already had 1 op and that hasn't worked, she has dislocated her shoulders so many times since that day and all doing simple things, so they really are very unstable. This time they are removing a bone from either side of her rib cage and putting that in her shoulders to stabilize, which means she will be in a body cast for at least 6 weeks, bless her...but it is for the best, cos once this is done she will hopefully be able to actually get on with her life properly and not have to hold back like she does now, in case she dislocates again, last time was just a few months ago while doing a star jump.

So lovelies, hope you all have a magnificent Monday, enjoy the sun and I will catch up with you all later I promise :hug99: xxxx