Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Happy Birthday Lily have a fabulous day, I hope you got spoilt rotten!x
Such a lovely feeling your diary has today :D:D:D

happy birthday Lily, hope you have a lovely day and are taking it easy as you should on your special day :)

:woohoo: to your fantastic loss and brilliant news about Kelly :) all the swotting can now cease :)
Purple Patsy said:
By eck that's a long labour for twins. :D ;)

I thought that too! ;)


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Thank you everybody, I have had a lovely birthday and I have been thoroughly spoilt as usual. I got my new lappy and phone from Mal,Plus he bought me the world's biggest Calculator (cheeky beggar) and a CD too, Kelly, Simon and the kids bought me tickets for Sally Morgan and some gorgeous peach coloured roses. Kirsty n Mark gave me money and paid for our meal out tonight...I was good and had a Chinese, so well within my syns. My Sister bought me my favourite flowers, yellow T roses and Freesias, My stepkids all gave me money and My big bro bought me flowers too, even though he had already paid for our holiday, as for my best friend, I got a massive box of goodies which she sends me every year from Australia, so yep I am spoilt lol

Had a lovely day at my grandchildren's school, where they were celebrating the Queen's Jubilee with a Red, White and Blue Day, was lovely, we had a lovely picnic, followed by lots of events laid on such as the maypole dancing and all the kids from my granddaughters year playing steel drums, there were lots of little stalls such as tombola, coconut shy and hoopla, just to name a few and they ended the day with a huge tug of war and a parents v kids game of was such a lovely fun day.
I did however, forget in the rush to get out, to put on any suncream and during the day I felt fine but right now I am burning like mad and nothing is helping, so I am going to have a hot bath with's the only thing I know that will help with bad sunburn ....oh well that will teach me eh lol but it won't put a damper on a really great day xxx

I am off to have my bath and I will try and get back later after I have blown the candles out on my cake ...might take a while at my age :giggle:

TTFN lol xxxx
Oh my minds naughty. Just had vision of Lily pickled in vinegar or at very least just pickled. :8855: Glad you had a good day hun. Surprised nobody had lotion with them though. :D

They did have lotion, Kelly did but I didn't even feel the sun burning until I got in the car, then I realllllly noticed how hot it was lol.....I asked Mal if I had caught the sun on my face ...he said no not really....I got home took my sunglasses off and I look like a bloody Panda eh? lol xxxx
They did have lotion, Kelly did but I didn't even feel the sun burning until I got in the car, then I realllllly noticed how hot it was lol.....I asked Mal if I had caught the sun on my face ...he said no not really....I got home took my sunglasses off and I look like a bloody Panda eh? lol xxxx
Aha the sun is sneaky that way and creeps up on you especailly if it's not melting hot due to a breeze or a bit of cloud cover. So you'll be getting pickled then lots of after sun. :D
Oh Lily that sounds sore :( Glad you had a wonderful day tho and sounds like you were well and truly spoilt and deservedly so xx
Glad you had a fab day but sun burn sounds sore and the thought of a hot bath ouch, but I did have to giggle at the thought of Mal saying you not cought it on your face but look like a panda lol , enjoy the rest of your special day ,

Yvonne xxx
A belated happy birthday Lily :bighug: It looks like you had a lovely day and were spoilt rotten as you thoroughly deserve :D
Ouch to the sunburn Lily, but you were obviously enjoying yourself so much, that you never even thought about it!

Hope the bath helped xxx
Morning Lily, hope the sunburn is better.............not heard about vinegar in the bath for sunburn, but hope it worked for you :)
Hello lovelies, well the vinegar in the bath helped last night, enough for me to be able to sleep on my back, I haven't done that in years, always sleep on my side....but today it's almost as sore as yesterday, tried to get dressed and put a bra bloody way...ouch ouch I am walking about with a strapless top on (it's not meant to be strapless, but that's how I am wearing it) cos even tiny thin straps on my Pj top is rubbing and making it worse......I was having fun yesterday, was one of the best Birthday's of my life, but I always seem to balance the good out with the bad, having been slathering my upper body in Aloe Vera creams and am going to have another hot vinegar bath in a mo, being as Mal has been and bought me some more vinegar...everybody has told me to have cool baths, wrong you should have a bath as hot as you can bare and add vinegar and keep dousing yourself with the hot vinegar water it does help take the sting out.
Tried to get Mal to take a picture of it but it doesn't look anywhere near as bad on he camera as it does in real life lol ...Maybe cos he stood the other side of the room too lol


OUCH !!! OUCH !!! OUCH!!! :giggle: xxx:hug99:xxx
Finally got Mal to take it properly