Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

That's the one with whatever you said she was called - forgotten already :)

Did you say I was right :faint2: I'm off to tell the family. They never think I'm right about anything :8855:
That's the one with whatever you said she was called - forgotten already :)

Did you say I was right :faint2: I'm off to tell the family. They never think I'm right about anything :8855:

Zoe the fish lol

lmao Yes you can definitely tell the family you are right hun, you definitely know your food xx
*finds a corner and hides in here*
Come out, no hiding in my dusty corners, or ill tickle you!! xx

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nononononoononooooooooo

not the tickles!!!!

kk, i'll stop hiding in the dusty corners :p
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nononononoononooooooooo

not the tickles!!!!

kk, i'll stop hiding in the dusty corners :p

* gives the tickling stick back to Ken Dodd...for now* xx
Gonna watch that doc tomorrow morning when I wake up. Want sound on and DH will be asleep soon.

Never hear the last of it now Tilly's been right about something. :8855:

That jumbalaya looks good. Could just eat that now. Never got my soup as bit off it. Not ill just grumpy. :rolleyes:
Gonna watch that doc tomorrow morning when I wake up. Want sound on and DH will be asleep soon.

Never hear the last of it now Tilly's been right about something. :8855:

That jumbalaya looks good. Could just eat that now. Never got my soup as bit off it. Not ill just grumpy. :rolleyes:

The Jumbalaya, was ok not great a little bland for me, but I have tried it their way next time I will Jazz it up my way, a lot more herbs and spices needed, just going to look see what I think first.
Definitely watch the documentary, it's a real eye opener and if you can find it watch the Zoe salmon one too...that'll put anyone off buying "diet products", the prepacked stuff like WW's do
Aww hope you feel less grumpy soon , cheer up hun :hug99: xx
Recipes are a bit like that, aren't they? Use them as a guide for inspiration then tailor them to our tastes. :)

Love rice and just fancy some new meals to use with it. I'm a piggy with it, tho. Always think I need more and then feel pogged afterwards. Never learn.:eek:
Recipes are a bit like that, aren't they? Use them as a guide for inspiration then tailor them to our tastes. :)

Love rice and just fancy some new meals to use with it. I'm a piggy with it, tho. Always think I need more and then feel pogged afterwards. Never learn.:eek:

I'm like that too hun, definitely got eyes too big for my belly.
I laugh at my food piccies, go onto the thread where they put up their pictures of food and see their portion sizes compared to mine lol...well I'm not going to go without, I just try and fill up on the good stuff as much as possible.
Some of us are just big eaters, I now eat till I am full and leave the rest, no matter how much it kills me sometimes to do it...funny cos the dogs always got a big grin on his face these days :8855: oh and an expanding waistline
Hmm just wondering how SW would feel about my dog being slimmer of the year, cos the way it's going I'm gonna have to sign him up :D xx
I'm a big eater too. I always use a smaller plate and then cover every square inch and pile it high and think I'm doing great.:p
Today there was no way I was going to carry it through to the table without an avalanche but still I attempted two big gherkins balanced on the top. :rolleyes:
I'm a big eater too. I always use a smaller plate and then cover every square inch and pile it high and think I'm doing great.:p
Today there was no way I was going to carry it through to the table without an avalanche but still I attempted two big gherkins balanced on the top. :rolleyes:

I still use my 10 inch plates, but try to use just the bit in the middle, probably about 7 inch, but like you pile it high a lot of the time lol.
It's been a hell of a long time since I a 4.5lb loss like you had today, so you are doing ok, I am happy with my weight loss though, I am averaging about 1.5lb a week and if I can do that and eat the amount of food I do (hubby is always saying I eat too much and can't believe it each week when I lose ), hopefully as I get smaller I'll eat less, but who knows..we'll see, as long as I don't do what I did last night too often all is good with me xx
Hi lily thanks for the kind message in my old introduction thread, I am going to start a new diary today in this section, will let you know how I get on, so nervous. thanks Jane x
Hi lily I have gone and done it started my diary in the sw food diary called JaneB saying hello this is my diary and journey, :)

Jane x
Hi lily I have gone and done it started my diary in the sw food diary called JaneB saying hello this is my diary and journey, :)

Jane x

Oh can't wait to have a read, well done you xx
OK WI for me tonight, hoping the scales don't actually scream at me to get off :8855:
Fingers crossed it's not too bad, but I'll have to take whatever it throws my way...I'm not even going to have a sneaky peek before I go, don't want to know the damage until I get there lol
Will check in later and update xx
OK WI for me tonight, hoping the scales don't actually scream at me to get off :8855:
Fingers crossed it's not too bad, but I'll have to take whatever it throws my way...I'm not even going to have a sneaky peek before I go, don't want to know the damage until I get there lol
Will check in later and update xx

Good luck for tonight lily fingers x for a loss, wrote the recipe down for the lemon pudding its lovely.

Please come and have a chat crumble, my granddaughter catrina has come to stay she is only 4yr, I am trying to keep her entertained, playing house etc, so not had time to chat to people, hopefully when she has gone to bed.

Jane x