Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Me too, But I am going to wait until my granddaughters birthday, that way I'll have help eating them lol
Lt em know how they come out please, I do hope they are as good as they say they are xx

Just made these...Very yummy.

They are so easy to make and definately satisfy any cake cravings. I think I could have done with leaving them in the oven for a couple more minutes as they were really light and airy at the top but a bit too dense at the bottom which left a very slight eggy taste.

Will deffo be making these again and can't wait to try the chocolate ones next time!!!

The difficult part now is stopping at one......
Just made these...Very yummy.

They are so easy to make and definately satisfy any cake cravings. I think I could have done with leaving them in the oven for a couple more minutes as they were really light and airy at the top but a bit too dense at the bottom which left a very slight eggy taste.

Will deffo be making these again and can't wait to try the chocolate ones next time!!!

The difficult part now is stopping at one......

I agree they keep calling me, thankfully only had 2 so far lol.
I took mine out of the oven after 10 mins (and I have a fan assisted oven), took one look and thought they don't look right, so put them back in for another 3-4 minutes, they came out a lot browner, but actually looked really cooked and I didn't taste any egg, just tasted like really big profiteroles...too nice lol xx
I don't like them :cry:

It's probably a good thing though cos I'd end up eating the lot if I did :eek:
The Morrisons 60% Fat Free Cumberland Sausages are delicious (and that's from someone who really didn't like sausages that much other than Richmond) the 60% Fat Free Pork Sausages are disgusting...The cumberland ones go so quick at my local Morrisons that I have to ask them to put away 6 packs at a time for me lol
I am liking the photos too, now I've worked out photobucket and my phone it's a doddle lol xx

Hi Lily I am so behind after sulking all weekend. Sorry sweetie

Flicked through your diary and as always amazing meals so I just had to get a large glass of water as was drooling :8855:

this is an interesting comment. I am not a sausage lover only Richmond sausages and all i've tried i don't like so would like to try these.

How do I know which ones they are?

Hope all is well and will try and keep up again xxxxxxx
Strangely I'm not a sausage lover but didn't mind Richmonds. Tried some of Morrisons best butchers cumberland and lincs one time and loved them after years of avoiding the things.
Now I quite like most decent lincs and cumberland. Guess my tastes must be changing.
Strangely I'm not a sausage lover but didn't mind Richmonds.

Not strange at all- my mum is *exactly* the same- hates sausages, except Richmond

It's not so weird now i know that there are 2 of you like that :p
Not strange at all- my mum is *exactly* the same- hates sausages, except Richmond

It's not so weird now i know that there are 2 of you like that :p

3 of us, even when I started on SW and began eating the Morrisons 60% fat free Cumberland, I didn't like them, but persevered and now I can honestly say I don't think I could eat any others now and my grill up on a Tuesday night wouldn't be the same without them lol xx

Now onto my confession, I have been feeling funny since Friday, couldn't decide what I wanted to eat, if anything, couldn't be bothered with anything, did push myself to do exercise but didn't enjoy it at all...didn't know what was wrong with me, but I do now...withdrawal that was what was wrong...over the last 7 months, I have given up everything, other than the odd blip, I have stuck well and truly to plan...but today I blew it, big time, pizza, fried chicken, full fat coleslaw and to top it all large fries and Pepsi...not even diet Pepsi...but I don't feel one bit guilty, I had it, got it out of my system now, will most likely gain a ton this week, but I have put it behind me now, got 2 days to repair some of the damage, but I am sure I will gain this week and again c'est la vie. Onwards and downwards from here and onto my next half stone award xx
Tea sounds lovely :)

It might be just what you needed to kickstart a big loss next week. Sometimes it works that way.

Absolutely hun, that's why I am ok with it, I have been too good I think, following it all and watching my 2 daughters stuff their faces and still lose more than me...admittedly even with all my exercise they are still more active, but not the point...I can usually resist anything, but this has been brewing for a while so I gave in with very little effort and decided to take whatever comes my way lol xx

These are the pictures of the outside view and inside view of the wedding invited I have just made for my daughters wedding...I have obviously deleted some personal details from the inside for them to go on here, but my daughter is very happy with them and has put the same decorations on her wedding cake boxes...she is a massive Disney fan hence the Minnie and Mickey decal inside xx
As long as you've got it out of your system...i was a bit naughty tonight- i just had 2 (teeny) pieces of toast and a LOT of butter on it.....that and some sugar (dont ask, seriously)

so ya....i am a bit guilty- cus i feel daft....but its done now- just hope i dont suffer for it tuesday *sigh*

those withdrawals are a bish eh?
As long as you've got it out of your system...i was a bit naughty tonight- i just had 2 (teeny) pieces of toast and a LOT of butter on it.....that and some sugar (dont ask, seriously)

so ya....i am a bit guilty- cus i feel daft....but its done now- just hope i dont suffer for it tuesday *sigh*

those withdrawals are a bish eh?

I was long overdue hun, so decided to get it all out my system and I did so big time, forgot to add to that, that I also had a Mars Bar, just a normal size one thankfully lol xx
I was long overdue hun, so decided to get it all out my system and I did so big time, forgot to add to that, that I also had a Mars Bar, just a normal size one thankfully lol xx

ohhh you rebel ;)

No, really, good on you- we all need a blow out once in a while- ive not had a big blowout in a while....not quite ready yet- the odd blip, yeah...but im kinda scared to have a full on thing

maybe when i get my 3 stone shiny, i dunno.... kinda disappointed with how this month is going so far, so feeling a bit *blah*

might be due on too- just to rub salt in the wound.

Anyhoo- no exercise for me- only 15 minutes of walking- 2 hours left to target- so im going to walk to work and back (30 mins) and try to do at least an hour on top of that- wii fit and just dance me finks. and cleaning counts as exercise, right? i want it to lol

right- you take it easy hun- have an awesome day tomorrow :) xx
ohhh you rebel ;)

No, really, good on you- we all need a blow out once in a while- ive not had a big blowout in a while....not quite ready yet- the odd blip, yeah...but im kinda scared to have a full on thing

maybe when i get my 3 stone shiny, i dunno.... kinda disappointed with how this month is going so far, so feeling a bit *blah*

might be due on too- just to rub salt in the wound.

Anyhoo- no exercise for me- only 15 minutes of walking- 2 hours left to target- so im going to walk to work and back (30 mins) and try to do at least an hour on top of that- wii fit and just dance me finks. and cleaning counts as exercise, right? i want it to lol

right- you take it easy hun- have an awesome day tomorrow :) xx

Hey hun, I didn't plan my blow out, started off really well this morning and then it all went down hill lol...I just hope that having this big blip will make me get back onto it properly and hopefully kick start some bigger losses again.
I exercised yesterday and a little today but not as much as normal, so tomorrow is a new day, a new week and I am back onto it big time...I don't feel sick or anything after my blow out but i do feel yuk ...not liking the taste in my mouth, keep brushing my teeth and tongue and it's still there...too much fat me thinks lol ...oh well off to brush and gargle this time
Yeah cleaning counts as long as it's streuous and makes you sweat and makes your heart pump, so di your cleaning with a lot more gusto and add the body magic up lol (I am actually serious)
cya soon hun xx

HAHAHA just read your post properly, been a good few years since I was last called a rebel, I love it lol xx

This is a documentary I watched on BBC some time ago, I thought it had been deleted from the net, but just found it again,it comes in 5 parts I believe but it's well worth watching, lots of handy tips and more importantly, showed my husband and son inlaws just how stupid they were, filling themselves full of high fat rubbish on a daily basis and what that could do to them, stopped them laughing about how much they could eat without putting on weight, when they realised they could all potentially be ticking bombs xx
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The invite is stunning Lily. Love it. Its so pretty too :D

I think you needed that food. You have been so so so good, and it happens to us all. Glad you enjoyed it.

I will watch that documentary later as it sounds really good :)

Hope you are having a fabby day xxxxx
Nice invites Lily. You're very clever :)

I watched that documentary when it was on tv. Well I did if it's the one with the full meal and the soup to show that soup keeps you fuller for longer. I might watch it again.

Actually that could explain why you wanted to binge cos I don't know if it was that doc or another one who explained about aspartame in diet foods and drinks and how your body releases insulin when you have them for the sugar but they don't contain sugar so your body isn't satisfied til you feed the insulin. Maybe the sweetener in the 1 syn cupcakes set you off.

How's today going food wise?
Yes Tilly I think you are right :D I banned asparatin (sp) from this house about 6 months + ago after reading something which made my hair curl. I'm not saying its not safe etc but there were so many iffy things about it and one of them being the way it made you want to eat more etc etc. Alot of NAS squashes contain it too :( in fact most of them do. If I have squash I buy the high juice ones and just have a glass a day and enjoy it. Otherwise I buy sparkling water and add ie a slice of lemon or lime, or just drink water. It was after reading/watching about it that I converted :)
Nice invites Lily. You're very clever :)

I watched that documentary when it was on tv. Well I did if it's the one with the full meal and the soup to show that soup keeps you fuller for longer. I might watch it again.

Actually that could explain why you wanted to binge cos I don't know if it was that doc or another one who explained about aspartame in diet foods and drinks and how your body releases insulin when you have them for the sugar but they don't contain sugar so your body isn't satisfied til you feed the insulin. Maybe the sweetener in the 1 syn cupcakes set you off.

How's today going food wise?

OMG Tilly you are so damn clever, I use sweeteners in my coffee and tea that don't contain aspartame (buy them in Lidl's, my daughter in law told me about them when I was first diagnosed with diabetes) and it never even crossed my mind about it being in the sweetener my daughter buys to make her cakes and goodies with :doh:
That is the documentary with the soup, hence the reason now that I continue to have soup most days for lunch, although I was eating soup daily before,but that just enforced my reasons to continue.
Thank you ladies, I enjoy making the cards and invites, gives me something to do rather than sitting here idle, and I love the fact that I can tailor them to fit the persons own daughter is definitely a minimalist, hence the simple front, but she's also a huge Disney fan, hence the inside and she loves photos and is very family orientated, hence the back...she wants to put a small stencil on the back something very personal and will do that today.
Yesterday she spent the day decorating her cake boxes in the same style and pattern as the invites, you wouldn't believe she still has a year to go before the wedding lol, I am an organised person but even i'm not that organised lol
Anyway, I am off to wander, have a great day ladies and I will catch you later and will put up my menu for today, had a very late start due to an upset tummy all night, can't think what gave me that :p cya laters xx