Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Hi Jane,
We used to use left over veg and tatties for B&S too, but yesterday I had none so used grated carrots, cabbage and onions was lovely...yes do try the skins they are better than any I have had anywhere else very yummy xx
Lily here is the recipe for the soup you can add pumpkin to the soup aswell if you like pumpkin and cook it the same way as the celery.

Celery and Bacon Soup syn free

1 bunch of celery
3-4 slices of bacon
1 chicken stock in a pint of water
Salt and pepper
Mixed herbs
125ml skim milk optional makes it creamy

Bring your water with the stock cube to boiling point, add the celery, bacon, herbs, salt and pepper in the pan, you can fry the bacon first with fry light to brown it off (optional), then turn down to simmer till celery is soft, turn off heat let it go cold, blend the lot in a blender add the milk, then return to the heat or store in a container.

Jane xx
:woohoo: Tanya, glad you put up the new piccies, you look lovely and so much slimmer..gorgeous girl, if I was a guy or even a girl that was that way inclined lol...I would be :wow: :whistle: xxx
:woohoo: Tanya, glad you put up the new piccies, you look lovely and so much slimmer..gorgeous girl, if I was a guy or even a girl that was that way inclined lol...I would be :wow: :whistle: xxx

:8855::8855::8855:That made me chuckle.

Actually I've laughed out loud at quite a few of these posts and I think my sons about to call the funny farm :D

I still can't see those stickers.

Good luck tonight :)
Lily here is the recipe for the soup you can add pumpkin to the soup aswell if you like pumpkin and cook it the same way as the celery.

Celery and Bacon Soup syn free

1 bunch of celery
3-4 slices of bacon
1 chicken stock in a pint of water
Salt and pepper
Mixed herbs
125ml skim milk optional makes it creamy

Bring your water with the stock cube to boiling point, add the celery, bacon, herbs, salt and pepper in the pan, you can fry the bacon first with fry light to brown it off (optional), then turn down to simmer till celery is soft, turn off heat let it go cold, blend the lot in a blender add the milk, then return to the heat or store in a container.

Jane xx

That sounds right up my alley yum, do I take out the celery if I am going to use Pumpkin? I love pumpkin anyone who hasn't tried it definitely should, it's scrumptious and seeing as my C hasn't bothered to reply to me, I shall be doing some :whoopass: tomorrow for sure :8855:, then it will be a good substitute for the pumpkin and walnut soup I was hoping to thank you hunni xx

:8855::8855::8855:That made me chuckle.

Actually I've laughed out loud at quite a few of these posts and I think my sons about to call the funny farm :D

I still can't see those stickers.

Good luck tonight :)

:wow: can't believe you son is only just going to call the funny farm, my called them years ago and they decided I was just too mad to go there :8855:
I can't be asked to change the stickers now will definitely have a look later, but I am now way behind, had a lovely chat with my son in law who popped in a for a 3 hour chat lol...
Ohhh am I doing something tonight that I don't know about then??? :rolleyes: :D please tell me my our simons' (alzheimers...our simons' a play on my son in laws name lol) has got worse...I just can't think of anything I am supposed to be doing tonight :eek:
I was only joking about the pinching of them :giggle:
Oh right and yes my WI is tomorrow night.
A couple of others have said they can see them but I will redo them all is too strange ...but fits with my personality perfectly :8855:
Ok have now redone the 4.5st and 5st shiny's can you let me know if you can see them now ta xxx
:8855: :woohoo: go me ...that jiggling about works magic ...told ya so :giggle: xxx
Good lord and I took an accountancy course years ago....not good for both of us eh? lol xxx
OK so I am reallyyyyyy proud of me today...I will set the scene ....2 cupcakes sitting in a box to my right...a box with cakes galore Kirsty brought home from work ...apparently 4 kids were celebrating their b'day...directly ahead of me...2 doughnuts, meringues, biscuits, breadsticks and a box of Mal's choccie to my right ....
I had breakfast very early today, and was just about to have my lunch about 12.30 when my son in law turned up for a chat, by the time he left at 3.17pm (I was hungry I noticed the exact time lol)I was absolutely ravenous, so hungry it was painful and I thought about shoving anything and everything into my mouth just to make the pain go away..but I didn't...I calmly grabbed some ryvita ..5 in all so Hexb + 1.5 syns, 5 Laughing Cow Light cheese, tomato and basil and normal, some salsa at 0.5syns, cucumber, tomato and beetroot with 2 crumble yoghurts at 1 syn for the 2 and a lovely peach = 3 syns...looking at the train wreck awaiting to happen I am really proud of myself for avoiding it lol xxx
:8855::8855::8855:That made me chuckle.

Actually I've laughed out loud at quite a few of these posts and I think my sons about to call the funny farm :D

I still can't see those stickers.

Good luck tonight :)

I can see them but then again I did go to specsavers within the last three months :D
OK so I am reallyyyyyy proud of me today...I will set the scene ....2 cupcakes sitting in a box to my right...a box with cakes galore Kirsty brought home from work ...apparently 4 kids were celebrating their b'day...directly ahead of me...2 doughnuts, meringues, biscuits, breadsticks and a box of Mal's choccie to my right ....
I had breakfast very early today, and was just about to have my lunch about 12.30 when my son in law turned up for a chat, by the time he left at 3.17pm (I was hungry I noticed the exact time lol)I was absolutely ravenous, so hungry it was painful and I thought about shoving anything and everything into my mouth just to make the pain go away..but I didn't...I calmly grabbed some ryvita ..5 in all so Hexb + 1.5 syns, 5 Laughing Cow Light cheese, tomato and basil and normal, some salsa at 0.5syns, cucumber, tomato and beetroot with 2 crumble yoghurts at 1 syn for the 2 and a lovely peach = 3 syns...looking at the train wreck awaiting to happen I am really proud of myself for avoiding it lol xxx

Seriously your family/friends are being a bit evil plonking you in the middle of cake mountains all the while! :eek:

I made this beef and pumpkin stew for tea yesterday and it's really lovely Beef and Pumpkin Stew recipe | Pumpkin Recipes

I didn't bother with the oil, subbed splenda for the sugar, added a tsp of italian herbs and left out the potatoes 'cause I was having a red day. Once I had everything in the pan I brought it up to boiling than transferred it into a pyrex dish and cooked it for about 2.5 hrs in the oven on 160C - it went really thick and yummy as the pumpkin kinda melts into the sauce and the beef was really tender. Would also work in the slow cooker I guess :)

Here's how mine turned out: Beef & pumpkin stew.jpg
Yum that looks amazing hun, I will definitely be trying that one.
No I told my family not to put it away...I want to be able to control myself and 99% of the time I's not realistic to have to hide everything away from me and it's not realistic to not have any of it in the house...although if I had my way they wouldn't have any of that fatty rubbish in my house, but then again it's their lives so they get to choose, if I eat at the right times and in the right way which i normally do I am not in the least bit tempted, obviously at first it wasn't so easy, but then I got used to my way of eating, can definitely see and feel the benefits and the other major thing that turns me off all the fatty crap they eat is that the morning after eating all that the cupcake Saturday mouth feels and tastes awful and so does my tummy xxx