*big huge hugs*
sending lots of positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!! xxx
Thanks sweetie, am feeling much better thank you, how did the job go ? xxx

BLOODY pineapple!
:8855: I hope I don't get any allergy symptoms with the pic being on my page :giggle:
Just read the last few pages of your diary. Sorry to hear things aren't great, sending lots of get well soon vibes xxx
Thanks hun xx
get well soon lily xxx
:wow: so many flowers lol thank you sweetie xx
come back Lily I miss you so much :bighug: how are you feeling sweetie? really hope you are on the mend. I guess the pineapple could have caused your skin to flare up mate if severe reaction like it was

norty bleddy pineapple

have another :bighug: and please come back soon xxxxx
Hi sweetie,
Omg I have never in my life ever had anything like that happen to me before, yes I get flare ups with my psoriasis but that was something else, every single part of my body that has psoriasis on it (hands, feet, elbows, scalp and knees), was just so sore it almost felt like I had been showered in acid, it burnt like heck and is still not back to normal but is a lot lot better.
I am definitely going to put on this week, cos I wasn't able to prepare dinner (couldn't stand or use my hands) everything went to pot and we just ate what was quickest, damn it, and has left my tummy feeling like :yuk: not sure that's all to do with the food though, had to really up my steroid tablets and they make me feel sick when I have to take a much higher dose and to top it all I have come down with thrush yeah the perfect end to a perfect week :cry: :sigh:
I missed you loads hun and did make it to laptop, but it was so hard trying to type with my gloves on and where my fingers tips had split it was sore, so I gave myself a complete break.
But am back and raring to go....you know what's funny though, I still managed to do some exercise, sat and did my weights...even though it killed so maybe it won't be quite as bad as I am thinking lol xxxx
Awww Lily :bighug:
I hope you're feeling a bit better. The tiredness could be down to the meds. The skin could be the allergic reaction or again it may be the meds.
Come back soon cos our little gang's been missing in action this week.
Aww how sweet Tilly, or is it Tilly hmmmm didn't think you were that much of a softie hehehe ...luv ya anyway you are though and thank you sweetie xxx
Thanks hun, hope you're enjoying your break...not sure I have the energy to catch up on all the diaries so if anyone would like to give me a brief outline that would be cool xxx
I hopes you are feeling better too!!! been thinking about you...miss seeing you around *sniffles* xx
Thanks you hun, missed you all too ...loads ...but now I am back so time to try and get my head back in this :giggle: xxx
Aww Lily hope you will soon feel better hun:bighug:xx
Thank you hun, feeling a lot better and raring to go...kinda :8855: xxxx