Sick of carrying 2 hitch hikers about, so this is my diary

Yep you got them in one hun, Kelsi the oldest is a lazy little scallywag will do everything in her power to get out of doing anything at all, typical teenager, Jack the youngest is really funny he could be a comedian he has a quick fire answer and a funny face for everything, but Kia is the kind caring loving one...when they aren't fighting and arguing that is lol...Kia is also the big sulker of the 3, tell the other 2 off and they accept it and after it's over it's over, Kia is like her Grandad (both Pisces wonder if that's anything to do with it), tell her off an then you have to tell her off again for sulking, she's really bad, she'll sulk for days, again like Grandad lol
But they are good kids that's the main thing and I love having them here, just can't bare the thought that one day they won't want to come and stay at all..daren't think of that or I'll :cry: lol xxx
Lily I am sure they will always want to come and stay with you :D or at least visit. :) you are lovely and they adore you :)

My kids dont stay with their grandparents but did when were little but they regularly visit and love going to see them and Matt is nearly 19. :D

Nanna and Grandad's are very special :D

I sure wish I still had mine. I was so close to mine all my life (not on Mum's side) but on Dad's side. I still really miss them. They were what I call 'proper Nanna and Grandad' you used to called them Special Nanna and Special Grandad because they were just that :D you are exactly the same to your Grandchildren I am very very sure of that.

SO hows the Iron Lady this morning ? :bighug: hope all is well :D xxxxx
Lily I am sure they will always want to come and stay with you :D or at least visit. :) you are lovely and they adore you :)

My kids dont stay with their grandparents but did when were little but they regularly visit and love going to see them and Matt is nearly 19. :D

Nanna and Grandad's are very special :D

I sure wish I still had mine. I was so close to mine all my life (not on Mum's side) but on Dad's side. I still really miss them. They were what I call 'proper Nanna and Grandad' you used to called them Special Nanna and Special Grandad because they were just that :D you are exactly the same to your Grandchildren I am very very sure of that.

SO hows the Iron Lady this morning ? :bighug: hope all is well :D xxxxx

Morning sweetie,
Had the worst nights sleep ever, I don't think I slept more than an hour at a time, I kept waking up for loo, usually a good sign that I have some infection or the other on the way, yippee NOT.
Oh I don't doubt that my grandkids will always want to visit but you know how between the age of say 13 and 18 they forget everybody's alive except their friends...I am dreading that bit lol...unless you are a grandparent it's hard to explain, I absolutely adore my 2 girls, they make me so proud and so happy, BUT my grandchildren, make it so much more intense a feeling I absolutely worship them, yes I see their faults but they are so wonderful and I really wish they would stay tiny so i could kiss and cuddle them forever lol...OTT maybe but I do adore them completely :)
I never had a special relationship as such with any of my grandparents, my Father's step dad and my mother's step mum were absolutely adorable, didn't know either of my fathers real dad or my mother's real mum cos they both died when I was a baby, and I didn't particularly get on with my dad's mum or my mum's dad ....but my Father's step dad was so very special to me but unfortunately died when I was 11 and was seriously ill for years before that, but I do remember odd little things he did that made me realise how much he loved me and as for my step nan, she was the single most fabulous woman I ever had the pleasure to meet, she was loving, caring, extremely funny, I could spend all day telling you the little jokes she played on us all..I could never imagine why she'd married my grandad, she was completely the opposite of him she had 16 kids that she worshipped, he had 3 that he barely had the time of day for etc, but I am glad she did cos she created a lot of really happy memories bless her . Just wish I'd had more than just a few years with them both :(
Anyway off to see how you've done on the scales sweetie, hope it's good news :fingerscrossed: xxxxxxxxx
Well had a good day today, another 100%...:fingerscrossed: the scales tomorrow night show what a good girl I've been this week :)
Had a visit from my sister today, first time in ages, well you could have blown me down with a feather, first words out of her mouth were, I've decided to give Slimming World a go, won't be coming to classes but I will be following the plan and Lauren (her daughter) will still be going so we can work on it together. She told me she had sat down over the weekend got all Lauren's recipe books out and worked out the weeks meals and stuck them on her cupboards so she knew what she was doing...I am impressed...only thing is she is on Holiday (Majorca) as from Tomorrow and won't start till she gets back, hope she means it!!
I did find out a bit later on that the reason she had decided to give it a go was due to seeing her specialist at the hospital who has been doing extensive tests to see what her problem is, they thought she might be menopausal, that came back negative, diabetic, also negative, her thyroid we know she has a problem and she is on a very high dose of thyroxin, they think she made need to up the dose, so all the things they thought she might have wrong were all negative but she is now going for an extensive glucose intolerance test, as they feel she may be (has all the classic symptoms, the shaking and absences amongst over things) hypoglycaemic ...I always assumed you had to have diabetes to become hypoglycaemic but it seems I am wrong lol anyway the good thing is she is going to follow SW and that in turn will be good for my niece who I was worried about ...phew lol xxx
So my menu for today was:


2 x Weetabix (Hexb)
1 Vanilla Mullerlight
Cofffee 1.5 syns
Water (1 pint)

Mid Morning:
Water (1 pint)

1/2 Fritatta (shared with my sister ) with 42g Half fat Cheese (Hexa), Mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, spring onions, bacon and eggs
Mixed Salad
Water (1 pint)
Cup of tea

Mid afternoon:

Dinner :
Lo_Chan's Hot and Sour Soup 2 syns
Luxury Fish pie, with Broccoli, Swede and BNS and breadcrumbs 1.5 syns
Water (1 pint)

2 x Yoghurt 1 syn

Total for today = 6 syns

Did 1 and half hours exercise and drank (2 pints) water


Well had a good day today, another 100%...:fingerscrossed: the scales tomorrow night show what a good girl I've been this week :)
Had a visit from my sister today, first time in ages, well you could have blown me down with a feather, first words out of her mouth were, I've decided to give Slimming World a go, won't be coming to classes but I will be following the plan and Lauren (her daughter) will still be going so we can work on it together. She told me she had sat down over the weekend got all Lauren's recipe books out and worked out the weeks meals and stuck them on her cupboards so she knew what she was doing...I am impressed...only thing is she is on Holiday (Majorca) as from Tomorrow and won't start till she gets back, hope she means it!!
I did find out a bit later on that the reason she had decided to give it a go was due to seeing her specialist at the hospital who has been doing extensive tests to see what her problem is, they thought she might be menopausal, that came back negative, diabetic, also negative, her thyroid we know she has a problem and she is on a very high dose of thyroxin, they think she made need to up the dose, so all the things they thought she might have wrong were all negative but she is now going for an extensive glucose intolerance test, as they feel she may be (has all the classic symptoms, the shaking and absences amongst over things) hypoglycaemic ...I always assumed you had to have diabetes to become hypoglycaemic but it seems I am wrong lol anyway the good thing is she is going to follow SW and that in turn will be good for my niece who I was worried about ...phew lol xxx

If she keeps her word and gets on plan after the holiday, fantastic! I'm sure it will be a weight off your mind to have both your sister and niece on board with SW :)

Keeping Minimins a secret so you can still moan freely on your diary? ;)
Morning Ladies Iron Lil signing in :8855:
They already know about Minimins and everything I have said on here is true anyway lol
I doubt very much my sister would come on here and as for my niece she only uses the syn value section, way too busy to read any diaries phew :giggle:
Let's just say if she doesn't keep to it then she's the loser..she saw her doc 2 weeks ago and went back yesterday and they were none too pleased as she had managed to gain another 4kgs (about 9lb), she says she is an 18-20 in clothes, I guess she might be but when I look at us side by side I feel she is at least my size if not bigger ....but been there and done the lying to myself bit before, whatever happens I just hope she sticks to it .
I am feeling good today thank you Tilly, still think I may have an infection coming as my kidneys were aching bad last night and I had another night loo hopping am drinking loads more water (had cut it down a bit recently) to try and flush it out.
Have a great day everyone and will catch you after WI tonight..I'm scared lol..had a bit more pasta and rice than normal and I rarely do any good when I have eaten them ..oh well we'll see xxx
Good luck for tonight Lily. Seems silly to be worrying about pasta and rice instead of the bloody cake :8855:

Hope you have a good'n x
Good luck honey xxx
Thank you everyone, well I lost the 1.5lb that I put on last week, so I am happy with that one.
Lo funny thing is I put more on when I eat pasta and rice than I do when I eat cake ...crazy but hey that's the way my cookie crumbles lol...just glad I lost phew...I think most weeks when I have had pasta and rice I've put on so this is a first yayyyyyyyy lol xxx
Now I have 5 weeks to lose another 9lbs cos i want to have lost that 6st by the time my 1st year is up xx
i lost 1.5lb toooooooooooooo :D

got my 4 stone shiney *shows it off* :D :D

well done lily :D
WTG hunni, knew you could do it xxxx
well done lily, i am sure you can get that 6 st in a yr.
have a good week xx

Thanks hun, I really really want it, so next week and for the few weeks leading up to it I am incorporating more fish, going to try a whole week next week, been buying different fish that I haven't bought before so :fingerscrossed: xxxx