I enjoyed reading that.. it really lifted my spirits. You have got the balance right and Im sure you have the love and respect of your children.. I had the dicipline without the cuddles and a lifetime of reprocussions ( sp?) because of it.. One of them is my binge eating .. I do know what you mean about sterio typing people but I wonder how much of a person is in the genes and how much taught .. I have taught so many children from apalling backgrounds ..some are delightful and caring and others spiteful rude and selfish.. Hey ..Im off now too !! I better go and wash up ..
I hope I got the balance right, I tried hard to.
I too had the disciplines and no cuddles...I came from an appalling background, all kinds of abuse and personally I don't think it's wholly in the genes or taught, but I can see where it would for me anyway, lean towards being taught.
I do think it comes down to choice mostly, you can choose to be good or bad, but I do think example is what makes the difference.
I believe if you set boundaries and enforce them, the odds are the kids will turn out ok, if you let those boundaries slip or fall down completely then you get the kind of society that seems to becoming more the norm these days....even down to smacking your child, if you smack them and then they smack another child then surely by smacking them in the first place you are teaching them that it's ok. Violence breeds violence no matter what way you look at it.
I think the biggest problem is that people don't think about having kids before they have them, they often suddenly find they are pregnant and just go with the flow, they don't think of their obligations and it is all about that to me...I had choices I didn't have to have my kids, but because I decided to give birth to them then I owe them a decent upbringing and I put everything into teaching them to do the same to others.
I have always taught my children to treat people how they would like to be treated.
See you got me up on that soapbox again, sorry girls but it's a subject I feel really really strongly about. xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Lily,
I have just been looking at your pics AND....
You must be sooooo proud!!!
Your such an inspiration!!!
Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Aww thank you Sugar, you girls have really made my day today, I feel so good about myself and yes hun for once in my life I am very proud of myself xxxxxxxxx
Yep sick of it too. when all the riots were on they kept saying they came from poor families... I come from a poor family, we were bought up in council houses, we never had any money, we used to have to only bath and wash our hair once a week, and we had to wash our hair in cheap washing up liquid

but we were brought up to respect others and would never ever have done anything like it, same as being rude.
I won't harp on as Lily said it all for me

Ditto Jackie, very poor family, and had nothing, had a really tough childhood, but would never of dreamt of not being respectful and would
never use my awful childhood as an excuse to be vile like I have seen hundreds of others do...I want to scream, it makes me so mad xxxxxxx
Love the new pic Lily. You look sooooo skinny. That colour really suits you
It is grapefruit not pineapple that my grandma can't have. It's a good job I'm not in charge of sorting her food :8855:
Skinny, I wish lol, but for the first time today I can actually see a huge difference and I'll take your compliment, thank you hun xx
Lol but it was an easy mistake hun, they are both acidic lol xxx
phew that took some catching up on
lots of points, and can't multi quote
firstly lily the new photo is fab you look stunning
jackie, i think i would have killed my sisters kids if they had done that, or more to the point killeed my sister
so manyYoung people in general have no respect any more regardless of back ground, people often forget about the good ones. I have more trouble at work from the younger generation than the older one !!
People seem to be so self absorbed it shocks me. The most extreme evidence of this i have ever seen was during a cardiac arrest at work while we were busy resusitating a young girl, late teens early twentys arrived to visit her boyfriend in the same bay, for obvious reasons we were stopping visitors as there was so many people about and lots of equipment. she went mad screaming and shouting about her human rights etc and in the end i had to call security

I pointed out that the pt we were busy with was very ill and she actually stated she didn't care if he died she was only interested in seeing her boyfriend

i was appalled by the lack of compassion !!!
ohh mini rant
quickly leaves before continuing to hijack lilys diary
Thanks hunni, I am gonna get big headed if you lot keep giving me such lovely compliments...I have loved every one of them thank you all so much xxxx
I would have done the same Mandy, I am still seething for Jackie, how rude, bad enough when it's strangers let alone family.
You've hit the nail on the head, no compassion, Kids of today don't have compassion, all totally selfish, well not actually all but it does seem that way sometimes. xxxxxxxxx
The riots got me so mad

I was away on holiday and was fretting oh no they're gonna kick off at home now, our scum won't be able to help themselves and of course they did.
Was so annoying listening to the 'oh it's 'cause they're poor and outside of society' folk. Loved it when the news kept showing the Manchester copper twotting a lad on the leg with his bayonette, I was like 'yeah, good on you mate!' :8855:
Don't even get me going on the riots, and yeah I saw that on the TV too about the cops and like you I thought ....you know what you got what you deserve, the police and other services get a really rough ride these days and you can't blame them for retaliating at times xxxxxx