Gold Member
Oooh that would be so fantastic! Hope everyone is up for it - I love going away with my dad and grandparents - though I leave my OH at home to look after the cat
It's good to have time apart from the fellas once in a while too lol
So far everyone up for it, Kelly should be here with the kids soon so will know what she thinks too....we are having an all night girlie night at my sisters next friday night, so the ment are on their own with the kids

Oh my goodness Lily.. What ups and downs.. you must be exhausted all of you.. Im so pleased for you all as I know all too well the upset of childrens break ups.. It is such a lovely feeling when all is calm again.. Good to hear you are feeling more comfortable too.. Hope you have a more relaxing night..
I love calm and right now I am loving the sound of Kirsty giggling like a 5 year old, not heard that in a long while, Mark has taken tomorrow off work, his boss is so understanding he's very lucky...they are going ice skating at Queensway till late tonight and then are going to find a hotel and stay the night then off to spend a few 100 pound they tell me at Westfields tomorrow, lucky them xxxxxx
ohhh sounds lovely, i love norfolk XXX
In fact it looks like we are going to hire a boat on the broads for the first week in july with teen and his girlfriend and daughter and her boyfriend
It's very important to have lily and mal time thougth so make sure you have those few extra days
I am so glad that kirsty and mark are making a go of it. I think there are so many pressures on young people today it's very hard for them.
Travelling for a year will be fab but i bet you worry more about them once they are gone
I couldn't go to the airport with becca when she went to germany for a year, in case i made a scene![]()
so glad your foot is improving but pleeeeeeese don't start useing it to soonmake sure it is really better
hmm sorry if i sound a bit bossy:8855:
I absolutely love Norfolk too, a lot of my family moved there years ago, my uncle still owns a pub up there I think in Kings Lynn...not sure cos he moves about a bit lol
I will be heart broken when they go, but go they must, they'll regret it if they don't and it's not like we can't keep in touch. I wouldn't do the airport either cos I know I would make a fool of myself lol
I promise I won't overdo it with my foot hun, want to go shopping but till it's completely fine I'll have to wait