Gold Member
I'm on the blue yakult to which is reduced sugar (but probably more sweeteners) I read that even if you're on AB's they do help but you're supposed to leave as long as possible between AB's etc to take probiotics. ie if AB's night and morning take probiotic midday. Makes sense I suppose as AB's activity will be half gone and gives you as long as possible for the probiotics to work before being killed off by next AB. I'm of the opinion that for a few quid it's worth a try.
I'm still not sure VR is right but on balance I think I can't pass it up. Terms are good atm but subject to change after June this year and rumours about of terms going to 2 wks for each yr rather than 4. The work environment has really deteriorated recently too with outsourcing and office politics and I frankly can't be ar$ed with it all any more. I'll just have to live quiet and get on with using all the hobby stuff I already own. I do have enough for at least three lifetimes as it is.![]()
I tend to take my Yakult at supper time, take my steroids during the day and figured I should have Yakult after they have "gone" down..I'm with you and not just with Yakult, i'll try anything within reason (cost wise)if it gives me some relief or helps.
Mal had the choice and I use the word choice very loosely, when he was made redundant. He had to take a test when redundancy came up, which he passed, but what they told him was that the next time they needed to make cuts they wouldn't be offering redundancy and that while he had passed the test this time, because he was "old school" and they wanted new boys to train their way, that he probably wouldn't make it through the tests next time, so after 31 years with London Transport and 27 of those as an Inspector and then asst Garage manager, he took the redundancy and hated it from that day to this....but like I said he had no the long run I do believe it was the right choice for all concerned but it was really hard at the can really empathise with you hun xxx