I'm terrible for weighing and I did sneak on this morning naughty me and yes hopefully Monday I would go atleast lost something but I guess its trial and error eh xCool. Look forward to hearing what you've lost I would be so bad doing sw from home. I was constantly weighing myself at home in the early stages. Had to throw the scales away in the end lol
It's so tempting isn't it. They mess with ya head lol x
Yeah I have cut right back now. I was aiming for 5 syns a day but its more like 7-10. I start the day with good intentions then it all goes to pot lol I really wanted to stick with 5 but I just cant say no to Freddo's. I have cut down now to just a few times a week eating them now instead of every day
Curly Wurlys and Quavers are fine. They are quite low in syns compared to other crisps. My son loves Quavers, he goes mad for them. Pity I dont like caramel, or id be eating the Curly Wurlys lol
Yeah you just never know. Everyone's bodies work different to so you just gotta find what works for you.
lol of course not It's good to talk, i don't get much of a social life so always nattering somewhere online lol
That's alright then hun I like a good natter too lol x
Come in anytime Gotta sign off for now though xx
Take care and enjoy your night X