Silver's Diary

Day 86

Today was a PV day, yay! :D

We brought Cathy for her last brunch. I got ratatouille with 2 poached eggs and a side of homemade sausage pattys :eat: Really tasty! Cathy gave me an early birthday present of a necklace from an artist I like who sells her stuff in Pike Place. It's lovely :)
After brekkie we ran home, packed everything into the car and brought Cathy to the airport. She got her plane ok and we should hear from her on her Friday, our middle of the night, to say she got home ok. She has a loooong layover in Amsterdam :(

I brought James to work and we had Rua with us in the car in the hopes that the weather would be as nice by the big dog park as it was in Seattle city but unfortunately it was lashing rain when I got her to the park :( We headed home and I played with her a bit before relaxing for the afternoon. I had a great time with Cathy visiting but I am so happy I can relax now! Entertaining is exhausting! :p
For lunch I got a veggie burger, some t bacon, NF cheese and some yogurt and oatbran after for a dessert. When I was getting the t bacon out of the fridge I found leftover cheesecake that Cathy had forgotten about. I must admit I was very I opened the plastic box.....and upended the entire thing into the bin and, using the now empty box, smushed it down into the bin! Ha! Suck it Cheesecake! Ciara - 1, Cheesecake - 0! :D

At about 4:30 I got ready for CrossFit. I picked up my friend Hanna from her work and we headed out. Today was burpees, pull-ups(assisted), kettlebell swings and 400m runs. One set included a certain amount of all of those and we did three sets. Prior to that we'd done hill runs and squats to warm up :) Crossfit is definitely getting better! :D

James arrived home literally 4 minutes after I did this evening. We didn't do much as we're both pretty pooped. We ordered in for dinner. I got this Chinese omelette thing with veggies and chicken :gimi: I might get a pudding pot in a second :)

I did a sneaky weigh in this morning and I've hit my 40lb mark :woohoo: So I took my 5th set of progression photos this evening. Tbh I didn't see a huge change between these ones and the other ones, 10lbs ago. Ah well, nevermind :)

I'm going to get my dessert and head to bed. Also going to treat myself to the soothing sounds our alarm clock can play :) I'll be dead to the world in no time! :zz: Night!
Day 87

Today was a PP day. I woke up earlier than I would have liked due to the cats yowling for breakfast :mad: I had my oatbran and yogurt for breakfast and wrote out a list of things I had to do today.....out of the 8 things I got a total of 2 done...I was really lazy today! :(

I started watching tv with the intention of watching only 1 episode of something and ended up watching all of the episodes of my shows that I had missed in the last week and a half :( I did manage to get some ab workouts done in between the episodes but other than that and browsing the Victoria Secret bikini range I did nothing!

Lunch was a turkey burger, t bacon, scrambled eggs and some NF cheese.

At 5 ish I went out to collect James and we brought Rua to the dog park. Somehow all of her tags came off her collar while we were there so I'll be running back out tomorrow to check the lost and found. Otherwise I've to replace them all...

James made dinner. One of his great mushes :gimi: Turkey mince, crab, t bacon, some spring onion, tiny bit of pepper and tomatoes and some seasoning. Amazingly tasty :D :eat:
After dinner we ran out to meet some people at the local only to find we were too late and they had left. We had thought we could take our time as it's friday night and our friends are usually out until the small hours, but not tonight apparently :confused:
Back home now and I'm going to head to bed. Hopefully I'll get my lie in tomorrow morn :) Night! :zz:
Silver what's the matter :-( this is not like you......I can usually feel your smile through your posts?
I'm just feeling so tired....I've got Crossfit in 2hrs and I really don't want to go to that either. I just wanna sit and possibly nap. I've got to organise a get together for Friday night too and I'm really not feeling that either. Though I think thats cause I wanna eat everything I'm planning on serving :p
Day 91

So I know I've neglected posting for a little while but I wasn't really up to it. I've been pretty melancholy the last few days and that leads to near complete inactivity with me :p I'm still feeling a bit down but also a bit more motivated :)

Today was a PP day. I hmmed and hawwed over breakfast for a while because I've been out of yogurt flavourings for a little while and I only had one egg left. Ended up having a late one of my yogurt/oatbran and a boiled egg lol. Not what I wanted at all but c'est la vie.

I brought Rua to the dog park after and collected my friend Jen from work so she could join us. We wandering for about an hour and then I brought her back to work and went home. Grabbed a turkey burger and t bacon for lunch.
Decided to head to the market to get eggs and some stuff for dinner and figured I might as well throw in a visit to the pet shop to get Rua training treats. I'm going to brush up on her manners before my family come over. I have been getting compliments on her good behaviour recently though so I'm very happy :) I also picked up a new collar and some toys for her too :)

I watched some tv when I got home and then got ready for my final class of the 5 starter classes I had to do for CrossFit. The "Grad" workout was super hard but I got through at 3rd place :) While we were warming up I also manage 5 reps dead-lifting 135lbs! :D very happy!
After warm-up our workout entailed a 400m run/jog, 60 kettlebell swings, 50 situps, 40 pushups, 30 hop-squats, 20 burpees and a final 400m run. I manage 30 full form pushups before having to switch to knee pushups. The only dude there was doing knee ones the whole time! :p Though he did deadlift 185lbs... ¬_¬

James was home when I got back and he was tidying....I felt really bad because I've done no tidying at all this week and I'm throwing a party on Friday :( Bad Ciara! Bad! I think I mitigated things by cooking a nice steak dinner with corn on the cob, aspargus and potatoes for him. I had steak and a tilipia fillet. Dessert was stewed rhubarb for me and stewed rhubarb and strawberries for him, with real sugar! :gimi:

Tired now. I'm gonna go to bed and ice my back. I may have deadlifted 135lbs but my form wasn't great and I may have hurt my back a tiny bit. :rolleyes: I'm a twit. Anywho, night! :zz:
Oh no silver not your back, could take ages to put its self back to normal :-( take it easy, and pleased your motivation is back....and your posts are begining to smile again : -) x
happy birthday Ciara :D hope your being spoiled ... I love your name , had it picked if my son was a girl lol
Thanks guys :D no body can get my name right over here though. They keep calling me See-air-ah or Kee-ar-ah. Pfft and the majority of them call themselves "Irish" :p

I had a great day today, super busy. I'll do a post tomorrow morning. Its a bit late now and my back is at me. Silly back. Night all :) :zz:
lol i could imagine :D im part irish so i can pronounce it :p
Happy Birthday Ciara, have a wonderful dayxxxxxxxx
We havn't 'met' yet but a belated happy birthday to you! :)
Day 92

So yesterday was my 26th birthday. My back was killing me when I woke up so I took some Nurofen. James decided to stay home and mind me because of my back. I got up for a shower and James made me a big protein rich brekkie cause he thought it was a PP day. It was awesome though :)

After drying my hair and putting on one of my new dresses :D I went to meet up with my workout buddies and PT for lunch :) They treated me to a lovely salad and suprised me with the top and pants I had been looking at in LuluLemon! I was speechless! Almost cried :p I really have to do something nice for them soon. They have been so supportive and instrumental in my weightloss! I don't know what I'd do without them!
Jen also gave me her size8 LL pants because she's a size 6 now.....I can't believe I fit into her pants! She's tiny! I've attached a photo of Jen, me and Christina from about 2 weeks ago. We were at brunch for Jen's bday :)

After lunch I dropped Jen home, quickly ran home myself, changed clothes (to my new LL things), picked up the dog and my neighbour and walked down to "China Town" to meet my PT for coffee and show off :p
Ended up staying a little too long and had to run back up 1st Ave to my apt. I had promised to drop Jen to the airport as she's going to Scotland for two weeks, lucky duck! I was a little late collecting her but we still got to the airport in time :)

When I got back, I apologised to James for hardly being home after he stayed out of work for me. He was just happy I was having a good day :) .....Which was just as well because 20mins later my CrossFit buddy asked me out for drinks :p We went to the local and I had a few diet cokes. Donald, the bartender, told me I was looking great :D as had the guy behind the counter where we'd had lunch actually :p and offered me a free cookie for my birthday, which I thanked him for but declined :D

I headed back up to the apt and relaxed for a bit, went for a stroll with James and Rua and then headed to a pub up the road for a simple steak dinner. I didn't want anything fancy, so that I wouldn't be tempted by desserts!
We went over to a friends when we got home and played computer games until 1am lol. It's that friends bday on Sunday and I'm throwing a joint bday party for us tomorrow so today is all about tidying and getting the apt ready. My back better behave! :p


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Lookin good Silver or Ciara!!! Sorry your Silver to me now!!! Sounds like you had a fab 26th Dukan Birthday - gosh would have found it tough to turn down the cookie - one of my weaknesses!! Did however walk around Thomasland with half a cupcake in my pocket and didn't touch it - binned it in the end as Ben had forgotten about it and it was pretty squished from the rides!!! You are soooo on target for when your family visit - I am so excited for you - they are gonna be blown away!!! Hope your back feels better and is just a niggle. x