Day 73 and 74
Wow, hectic days! I was just far too sleepy to write an entry last night and way to busy this morning to catch up

so here are the last 2 days.
Day 73 - (PP) So I got up early to go to my friends apartment to sort it out for the people arriving later. I called her to be buzzed in and then headed up to the apt. The keys weren't inside the door like I was expecting so I went to check in the sitting room. There were boots and a jacket and a suitcase on the floor!

There was a laptop on the counter and stuff on the bed... The current person staying there hadn't left at 7am like she'd said she would

I called my friend and she said to leave. She wanted me to email the girl and find out what the story was. The whole thing got incredibly stressful... I had the new people arriving at 11 and turned out the other girl was at a conference and wouldn't be out of the apt until 2!

Long story short my nice easy day got horribly complicated and stressful
I had a late breakfast/early lunch of a salmon burger and t bacon. I didn't end up getting time for dinner, despite buying 2 huge fillet steaks, because I had a workout at 6:30 and had to leave at 6. The workout was pretty brutal, all abs and shoulders. I barely finished it without bawling like a baby lol.
After the workout we went to my friends house to construct a "diaper cake" for the baby shower. It's basically rolled up nappies, bound with ribbon into the shape of a tiered cake with little baby items hidden in it. By midnight we still hadn't finished

I went home and had to shave and scrub my legs before bed. I planned to wear a gorgeous, new, pencil dress I got in February that I've been keeping for a special occasion

Was going to wait until my bday but decided to suprise my trainer with it for her baby shower. After sorting out my legs I passed out in bed...once I'd eaten a couple of strips of jerky and a jello pot.
Day 74 - (PV) Got up early again this morning. I was to meet one of my friends downtown for brekkie and shopping to find "diaper cake" decorations. Instead I picked her up and we went to the shopping centre near the Uni. No breakfast for me

We got some lovely little items and went back to her apt to finish the cake. I got it done be 12:30 and legged it (in my car) home.
Once home, at 1, I gave myself a quick facial, showered and started my makeup. My jewelry was black pearls so my eyeshadow matched the pearls. I was quite pleased how they turned out. I wanted my eyes subtle enough for daytime but colourful enough that people would see the colour scheme.
Once makeup was done, I did my hair. Then I got dressed and had just enough time to wolf down the brussel sprouts, broccoli and t bacon james had made for lunch. I was out the door by 2:30.
I collect both my exercise buddies and, laden with gifts, we made our way to the shower. The house it was in was amazing! Old red brick with sash windows and wooden floors. There were cakes and wine and treats everywhere! I stuck to the vegetable plate, nibbling on baby carrots, tomatoes, broccoli and sugar snap peas....I can't tell you how much I wanted a carrotcake cupcake! I loooove cream cheese icing! :drool:
Everybody loved the "diaper cake" and Nev was so happy with my dress and how I looked

I had a nice time and I'm pretty sure Nev did too
First thing I did when I got home was change into my dressing gown. Second thing was curl up on the couch for a nap!

I got up at 8 to make dinner, those wonderful steaks I had bought yesterday :gimi:. I steamed broccoli and t bacon with garlic and smoked salt to have with them. The steaks themselves were dry fried for a few minutes and served rare
I had my oatbran for dessert with yogurt and now I am off to bed. I have to clean the apartment tomorrow before my other sister in law arrives.
Night :zz: