Wow! In the space of 36hrs or so I went from 185lbs to 177.8lbs!! Instead of gaining 10 since last weigh-in, I only gained 2

I can deal with that

That's a managable amount to lose.
The festival was alot of fun, even though I didn't know most of the bands. Actually my favorite gig was by a band I'd never heard of, Vintage Trouble. Great craic and so enthusiastic

Other than that Silversun Pickups were good, as were Tenacious D. I missed Metric and fell asleep during Beck lol.
My grill worked well although I did have to MacGyver a fix for it at one point when the gas attachment broke.
I allowed myself one 8oz drink (lime-arita) a day and I had about 5-6 cookies, some with nutella on them

, 2 elephant ears, half a quesadilla and had some crisps when they were offered on the last 2 days. Also had a couple extra drinks on the last day...

Other than that it was meat all the time; chicken, steak, pork steak, burgers and sausages.
The venue for the festival was amazing! Washingtons equivalent on the Grand Canyon

unfortunately my phone decided to die a glitchy death the day we arrived so I've no photos. And I'd specifically left my camera at home to cut down on items I'd carry around daily
The area was a dessert so I packed lots of warm attire. None of us expected the wind. No warnings in the local forecast either. Made the warm days cold and caused alot of tents to collapse and canopys to roll over. All of our stuff weathered it well though

But I must say my face is so raw from the combination of sun, dryness and being sandblasted for 4days! nobody got heat stroke or anything so that was great
All in all I had a lot of fun

but now it's back to weight loss, with a vengence! I'm going to lose the majority of those last 10lbs before the 8th!