Silver Member
Day 14
Bit late writing this (tis 1.43am here) so this'll be short.
Had my weigh-in this morning and I'm down 4lbs
Pretty good for first week on Cruise 
Today was PP so breakfast was scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and galette. Lunch was practically non-existent. We were out and ended up grabbing the lowest sugar and fat content beef jerky we could find and some SF snack pots
Dinner was steak and tofu.
No exercise today, unles you count walking around the shops. Got myself some new runners
I'll put them to good use tomorrow!
I think that's it for this entry... I'll probably edit it when I'm actually awake, in a few hours :jelous:
Night all, or good morning to those on the other side of the pond
Bit late writing this (tis 1.43am here) so this'll be short.
Had my weigh-in this morning and I'm down 4lbs

Today was PP so breakfast was scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and galette. Lunch was practically non-existent. We were out and ended up grabbing the lowest sugar and fat content beef jerky we could find and some SF snack pots
No exercise today, unles you count walking around the shops. Got myself some new runners
I think that's it for this entry... I'll probably edit it when I'm actually awake, in a few hours :jelous:
Night all, or good morning to those on the other side of the pond