Day 40
PV day today.
For breakfast I had some mince and veg mix that James leftover from his dinner last night.
Then lunch was 2 turkey burgers.....Shoulda had veg with them but I was in a rush to meet my personal trainer. She was in the city early and asked me to meet up before our session this evening.
We went and had a look in some shops, mainly LuluLemon and Express and I tried on pants in both shops, in a size 12

The LL ones were absolutely perfect, maybe even a lil loose

and the Express ones I mainly just tried on to see what their 12s were like, as they didn't have any long sizes. I managed to close the 12s, which I'm very happy about, but I was muffining a fair amount so it will be a while before I can buy those.
But coming from the size I was, where the button would pop off a 12 if I so much as looked at it, to actually being able to get into AND close a 12 is insane! I haven't managed that since I was like 13years old!
After that inspirational window shop I ran home and changed for our workout. We picked up my friend and headed to the 3rd of our lil groups' gym.
My PT had what she called "the workout from hell" lined up for us....and it was indeed hellish.
3 sets of walking lunge lengths x6 (with a pair of 20lb weights)
3-6 sets of burpees x10
4-5 sets of full pushups x10
1set half pushups x50
3 sets of half plank with knee dips x30
3 sets bench step ups x10 (with a pair of 15lb weights)
3 sets (per leg) bench single step ups x10 (with a pair of 15lb weights)
3 sets of shoulder presses x10 (with 12lb weights)
3 sets of chest presses x10 (with 12lb weights)
3 sets of incline flies(?) x10 (with 10lb weights)
3.30min wall was a comp and I came 2nd, the hikes did me in.
I think that was it....I struggled more than the others and more than I usually would. I think that was due to lack of carbs..
Got home, ran into the shower and was ready to go out for dinner in 30 mins
We went to a steak house and I had a chicken breast with steamed broccolli and balsamic apples.....I had a tiny...sigh, 2 tiny pieces of one of the apple segments. I'm disappointed with myself, but they smelt so good! And I had resisted the fresh, still warm, cornbread that they dizzled with melted butter that sat in front of me the entire meal.... :break_diet:
After I headed to my local and had a few diet cokes and now I'm here, just finished my oatbran, writing this entry

A good day, expect for my slip up
Oh and we saw some poor guy get knocked out cold on the street on the way to dinner. Called ambulance and gave my jacket to cushion his head. We stay until he was safely in the ambulance.
An interesting night