Silver's Diary

I'm delighted you hit your mini goal! Well done you!!! (But I'm confused as to why James ceded and let you have your scales back so soon... Come on James. Lock them up now until Mon 17th!!)

What are you eating these days Silver? Does James join you or do you make different food for him?
He's going to let me have them back every Monday for my weigh-ins :D

My eating habits have been pretty much the same as before but with 1 or 2 modifications. I wanted to keep a tiny bit of carbs, sugars and fats in my diet as my metabolism is suffering a bit from dieting. So I add a thin layer of protein rich granola to the top of my morning non-fat yogurt and every once in a while I'll have a cup of tea with sugar and whole milk. Today was a protein day so for dinner I had steak with a small amount dry fried onions but I added a sliver of butter to flavor them.
With the amount of exercise I'm doing I can't stick fully to the diet. I made that mistake before. My body gets use to, basically, running on fumes and when I get back to Conso/Stabilisation, despite still doing large amounts of exercise, I'll regain weight slowly.
I could probably ease off on the exercise but I love being fit and the challenge of hitting new personal records :p I have a friend who is a nutritionist and I'm probably going to employ her services once I hit my target weight.
For now I'm happy with my weight loss progress and I'm slowly returning to the fitness level I was at last September before I injured my back. I'm going to be absolutely ripped for James's 30th at the end of May :D

James is kind of doing the diet with me. He eats the same dinners I do but follows his own thing in work. He's cut down on portions and is trying to cut out all sweets (not very well though :p)

*Attached are 2 photos of me at my slimmest/fittest :)


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Wow! So that'll be your target again this time I guess... perhaps your nutritionist friend might be able to advise us too! :D
Had a simultaneously great and boring day today. Got to sleep in for ages and then ended up going back to bed when James headed to a football match and have been just generally lazing around all day, which I needed after the exercise I've done this week, but I really wanted to meet up with someone for coffee but everyone had plans :p
I'm going to get a run in tomorrow, in the hopes of losing some weight for Monday, but I don't expect to hit my target. I'll be very surprised if I do hit it actually. I was a bit bad this week :( Had drinks on 2 of the nights, which will definitely have set me back. Sure we'll see what happens I suppose.
He's going to let me have them back every Monday for my weigh-ins :D

My eating habits have been pretty much the same as before but with 1 or 2 modifications. I wanted to keep a tiny bit of carbs, sugars and fats in my diet as my metabolism is suffering a bit from dieting. So I add a thin layer of protein rich granola to the top of my morning non-fat yogurt and every once in a while I'll have a cup of tea with sugar and whole milk. Today was a protein day so for dinner I had steak with a small amount dry fried onions but I added a sliver of butter to flavor them.
With the amount of exercise I'm doing I can't stick fully to the diet. I made that mistake before. My body gets use to, basically, running on fumes and when I get back to Conso/Stabilisation, despite still doing large amounts of exercise, I'll regain weight slowly.
I could probably ease off on the exercise but I love being fit and the challenge of hitting new personal records :p I have a friend who is a nutritionist and I'm probably going to employ her services once I hit my target weight.
For now I'm happy with my weight loss progress and I'm slowly returning to the fitness level I was at last September before I injured my back. I'm going to be absolutely ripped for James's 30th at the end of May :D

James is kind of doing the diet with me. He eats the same dinners I do but follows his own thing in work. He's cut down on portions and is trying to cut out all sweets (not very well though :p)

*Attached are 2 photos of me at my slimmest/fittest :)

Wow! You look good! And I know you will get back in no time.

I am with you on mods to the plan... You have to listen to your body and if you are working heavy then you need the fuel for the exercise. Are you following any programme?
In terms of exercise? There's a class I go to that is similar to Crossfit. It's basically a lot of weights and cardio, but everything is scale-able. So a new person in class might be using 10lb weights for a shoulder press and I'd use 30lbs and a guy would use 40-50lbs. This would be a typical workout:

A:Tabata* sit ups
B:5minutes of Max Rep Back Squats (closest to body weight as possible) or Heavy Goblet Squats
C:20 weighted Walking Lunges x4 (1:15 rest in between)
D:10/side weighted side lunges
15 jumps squats
x3 (1:00 rest in between)
E:Tabata V-ups

*Tabata is 8 rounds of 20seconds of work with 10seconds of rest.
In terms of exercise? There's a class I go to that is similar to Crossfit. It's basically a lot of weights and cardio, but everything is scale-able. So a new person in class might be using 10lb weights for a shoulder press and I'd use 30lbs and a guy would use 40-50lbs. This would be a typical workout: A:Tabata* sit ups B:5minutes of Max Rep Back Squats (closest to body weight as possible) or Heavy Goblet Squats C:20 weighted Walking Lunges x4 (1:15 rest in between) D:10/side weighted side lunges 15 jumps squats x3 (1:00 rest in between) E:Tabata V-ups *Tabata is 8 rounds of 20seconds of work with 10seconds of rest.

Yes. I did mean exercise.

Wow! That sounds intense. How often do you this?
I go 5 days a week and I try get to yoga twice a week and will be running 2-3 times a week too. I take the weekends off technically. If we end up going on a hike or something I don't count that :p

Writing out my exercise it kinda seems like a lot...But I often feel guilty for not doing more :/
Oh no what happened? Could it be it's because of all the exercise you're doing? Do you take measurements and do your clothes feel looser? Chin up, we know it works so stick to it! x
Oh dear I know how you feel. My last week's WI was exactly the same as yours. As Dr Dukan likes to say, if you go off track even a little bit it's like pricking a balloon with a pin and it takes time and effort to go back on track.

Don't feel too down. We have ups and downs and this is just one down. You'll have many ups (in mood, not weight mind you!).
I go 5 days a week and I try get to yoga twice a week and will be running 2-3 times a week too. I take the weekends off technically. If we end up going on a hike or something I don't count that :p

Writing out my exercise it kinda seems like a lot...But I often feel guilty for not doing more :/

That is a lot. Wow...

I used to feel guilty if I did less cardio as well. For me it dont affect my loss (and I hate it! :p) so I dont stress if I dont get my HIIT in (like this week!).

Sorry about the poor loss :hug99:. Dont beat yourself up about it. You had fun and now you can draw a line under it and move on.
I snook (is that a word? :p) a sneaky weigh-in this morning because James accidentally left the scales out from yesterdays weigh-in. I was down to 187.6 which perked up my mood a bit, although I know it's just because of the protein yesterday.
I'm running another protein day today and then I'll be back to alternating. Fingers crossed for 185lbs next Monday :)
Snuck?? Naughty James :D Has he hidden it again?
Tsk at James leaving them out! To be honest, sometimes I think it's better for me when time out from the diet does not result in a loss... otherwise why would we continue?! Sometimes others have got away with having this or that and still losing, and I'm often tempted to try the same...! Remember that different times of the month can affect our weight too, and slow "transit", overly salty menu the previous day etc etc... which is why we have tried to detach you from your scales as bad weigh ins do affect us negatively.

Hang in there... Monday is a few days away :)