You'll be happy to hear that when I woke up this morning James (my husband) had hidden the scales!

:cry: I was very good and didn't go searching for them either

He's promised to let me have them every Monday morning for my weigh-in.
I've still not made any progress on my cardio levels. Still doing none

But I have been getting the knots worked out of my muscles by a masseuse. My shoulders had gotten so bad that they hurt to touch

Turns out even my knots have knots! I'm going to try keep up yoga in my new gym but they only have Hot Yoga and I'm not sure I can handle that. They turn the room temperature up to 105F/40.5C
In terms of food, I decided to run 2 protein days in a row because I may end up going out for dinner tomorrow and I'll be doing the same thing on Monday and Tuesday because I'm definitely going out for dinner on Wednesday. A few friends and I are having a girls night out

We're going to a nice Japanese restaurant, that has plenty of PV friendly options, and then a burlesque show! Super excited! My husband seized on the idea too and he's having a guys night in a pretty awesome Games Arcade so everyone's happy
Think I'll head to bed now. Crazy active week in my Crossfit class and I've been helping a friend move house too. I'm pooped!