SilverSlimmer's JUDDDD quest!

Thanks! I was on a down day yesterday and really struggled but got through.

Happy New Year to everyone, hope this is the year your dream weights are reached.
End of week weigh in and 5 lbs gone, not as good as it seems as most of that was weight I had gained over Christmas but I am happy as from now on it is all gain. Sadly two meals out this coming week so I am going to have to be careful the rest of the time.

Sarah, I wish my mind would kick in with these questions before I indulge not after!!!! I will never have a fit body but a healthier one perhaps!
Well I had two UD's including a meal out yesterday and have managed to keep my weight steady so that is a relief. I am on a DD today and have another before my next meal out so I think this week is mainly damage limitation.
Another pound gone today! I am going to try and have a good UD to cancel out the meals out this week. I really want to get this weight off for once and for all.
Weekly weigh in, week 2, and 2 lbs gone this week so I am a happy bunny especially as I managed two meals out. I have found it really easy this week as I haven't been hungry and I haven't even been tempted to eat biscuits, cakes, sweets or other goodies. It has been a great start, just need to keep at it.
Oh, a bad day yesterday! However I did have to go for a health check and my BP was fine and I weighed 3lb less on the surgery scales fully dressed than on mine at home! Just waiting for blood results now to see how the cholesterol is.

An UD today But I need to be careful if I am going to lose this week. Feeling totally blah!
2lbs gone this week which is a relief as I STS last week and only had myself to blame. I really want to lose 2 lbs in the coming week and then I will be down to my last stone. The health checks were fine although my cholesterol had gone up a little. Had one of my infrequent measure sessions and have now lost 71/2" from my hips, 7" from my waist and 4" from my bust, no wonder nothing fits.

The only downside to this regime is that on DD's I feel so cold. Hurry up Spring!
This week has been seriously hard and despite my best efforts I have put on 1.5lbs. It has made me stop and think and I have decided that I just need to be kind to myself for a while. Doing JUDDD together with a low carb diet is just too hard after a year of dieting. I am feeling deprived as well as cold and miserable, which I never did last year.

So, back to the routine I did last year with the main intent of just not putting weight back on. I am about a Size 14 now and look reasonable so I think I can live with that. If I lose a few pounds over the year all well and good.

I'll report in now and again just to keep a record of how I am doing.
Good luck everyone!
22.09.2014. 11.11.06. :mad:
23.09.2014. 11.09.04. :)

Well, it's been a while and a disaster! Just got back into bad ways and have managed to put on 16 lbs since January so I am starting again with the hope of shifting most of them by the end of the year. Yesterday I was 11.11.06 and had my first DD which was OK. This morning weighed in at 11.09.04. Last time I ate quite a lot on UD so hope to do better this time except when I am eating out. Reporting in here will, I hope, help me be accountable so it is really for myself. It has made me realise though that once you start on this regime you can never go back to normal eating, so be warned.

Off to have breakfast!
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24.09.2014. 11.08.06. :)

Really happy as managed a DD and still lost a little. I have to confess I feel better when I eat sensibly. The problem is, I am a comfort eater. Onwards and downwards!
25.09.2014. 11.06.04. :)

I had a really good DD yesterday and am thrilled with the result this morning. Hopefully I can be sensible today and not do too much damage. I slept well last night and feel good this morning.
26.09.2014. 11.07.04. :rolleyes:

OK, a pound on but it was an UD and I did eat sensibly so I am not too concerned. I had done very well up until now and it was bound to grind to a halt. One thing I have learned is not to get too despondent with the ups and downs of this diet and just look at the bigger picture.
Good news

28.09.2014. 11.05.08

Happy, as the weight is down again. Keeping it brief as I am having real problems posting this morning for some reason, gremlins about! However I want to try and keep a daily diary as an incentive for myself even if no one else is interested.